The PRAYSE OF the Emperour Iulian the APOSTATA:

His Princely vertues,and finall Apoſtacie.





























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I Dare not affirme him temperate,

that ſhuns ſurfets; nor him graue,

that deſpiſeth lightneſſe; nor him

valiant , that loues to conuerſe

with danger : It is no precious

thing, my opinion, and yet I am

afraid to ſpend it : let Phyſici-­

ans, a Gods name , be thought trim fellowes for de-

termining of the liues of men , as if they had come

yeſterday from the Fates ; for my part, except

I may haue leaue to paſſe through the inſide of

them, I can ſay nothing : for all theſe are no more a

kin to Vertue, then baſeneſſe may challenge of No-

bility, becauſe their names ſound alike : it being not

Temperance, not grauity, not Fortitude; except the                           ||



cauſe that moues theſe effects , bee vertues. The

World affoords not a more apt example then this

Emperour , the Hiſtorie of whoſe life is full of ſo

many excellent things , as hardly he that is a votary

againſt the world, and hath nothing to thinke of,but

keeping his vow,may equall him in all theſe outward

apparances,that fauourable iudgements call the way

to heauen ; but in the depth of impiety ; againe,not

the moſt reprobate, comparable: yet was he ſo tem-

­perate,as he neuer ſurfeted nor vometed oftner,then

he was made Caeſar , and that of cheeſe : in the pro-

uocations of the fleſh none chaſter, no vnthrift of his

treaſure, and time, in publike ſports, a common diſ-

eaſe of greatneſſe : no laſciuious pleaſure did ruſt

and conſume his time, ſo couetous was he of it , as

the very nights he deuided into vpholding his body,

the bettering his minde, the ſeruing his country; he

needed not Alexanders ball of mettall to awake him,

for the thinneſſe of his dyet required not much ſleep,

whereas the other was a good fellow , and gaue his

hot conſtitution leaue to leade him to banquets and

quaffings. For his valour, aske all the Hiſtories of his

time, and you ſhall finde they make ſo great a noyſe

about no body : but all theſe helpe him not , ſo irre-

­ligious a hart poſſeſt them,proceeding moſt of them

out of his education , ſome from his nature, none

from vertue : how iuſtly then may we ſuſpect our o-

pinions of men that carry the forme of the exacteſt

liues ? Me thinkes it were well, if they were let alone

vntill the next world : for it is to be doubted,whether

praiſes be not like raine that increaſeth weeds,as well

as nouriſheth the corne : for it begets Hypocrites,

and for the truely vertuous , they neither care for it,                          ||



nor neede it : if all men were of my mind, they that

are good , and they that neuer came neerer then a

deſire to be thought ſo; ſhould ſhortly be diſcerned

one from another : for his ſoft pacing, his graue at-

­tire , and conſtant countenance, ſhall not worke a

whit vpon me, no, not a ſpeech well read, with the

head and the fingers finely placed ; no, not the na-

­ming vice in choller , and putting off his Hatt when

vertue is called ; no, not the defying the World,

nor challenging the combate of concupiſcence:

theſe are but words of courſe, but promiſes, but no-

­thing : Promittas facito , quid enim promittere laedit ?

pollicitis diues, quilibet eſſe potest: But this it is to write

without the hope of gaining by a Mecaenas,or the am

bition of method;my matter, my ſtile, hang diſioin-

ted , and vnſemented , neither of them keepes their

place, but gallops, and trots and ambles ; the rea-

ſon, I neuer gaue Tully an houre for any of his Re-

thorike: I ſend not my words awooing, I care not, ſo

they can get to their iournies end, though they can-

­not caper,nor dance : there is a grace in the ſound of

words,but it is not mine,I giue my thoughts clothes

ſodainly,and ſo fit, that they may be vnderſtood; but

whether they be in faſhion and wel ſhaped, is not my

care : I am of too rude a nature to be ſo nice, and

mine eares are ſo harſh,that I could neuer yet vnder-

ſtand the ſweetnes of the ſound of opinion ; but to

that I take in hand.

     Firſt,let me not be condemned for my Subiect: he

was an ill man, that was his loſſe, but this ill was on-

­ly ill at the iourneyes end ; for moſt of his actions

were good here, and had been good for euer, if they

had not ſerued an ill maſter: but at the worſt, Vertue                                     ||



is not ſo proud as not to extract what may bee made

good, out of ill for there is a ſpirit in vice,that being

cunningly drawne out,will ſerue euen the beſt: ſo ful

it is of a quick and peircing vigour: he hath a poore

Library to behold, that reades onely the good ; let

him turne ouer all, that deſires to bee profound ; let

him earne Vertue with digging it out of vice, and he

will keepe it the better : let him fetch it out of the en-

trals of ill,that will glory of his conqueſt; from thoſe

ſoft miniſters of the mind , the Arts which make

the ſoule read to the body, and make practice but a

ſlight, through the minds foreknowledge.

       This Prince came to the managing Armes, not

with ſuch a people whoſe weakeneſſe was fit to nou-

riſh a nouice, but with thoſe fierce and warlike ; yet

was he victorious, and made thoſe that were wont to

be feared, feare : Qui alijs terrore eſſe conſueuer at, ip-

ſum ſibi timere coegit : who allowes not of ſuch an

excellent beginning ? When I heare of any great

Souldier, I aske his age, when if old, it takes away

mine admiration; for vpon a wiſe minority I looke

with greateſt affection : But here comes a priuy to-

­ken to know intents by, Sed heac laus etiam miſerrima

ambitionis labe contaminata est , cum ſe Auguſtum ſalu-

tari voluit: ſo greedy are thoſe minds that intend

onely to ſerue their owne turne; no ſooner haue they

attained to an atchieuement commendable,but they

enforce prayſes out of the mouthes of men; they

will ſwagger for titles and reſpect ; yea, it becomes

Lord, euen of themſelues;for reaſon of more waight,

that in another mans caſe ſhould haue preuailed,

with the eyes of ambition ſeemes dwarfiſh , weake,

and little. That wiſe and warlike ſeruant to the king-                         ||



dome of Spaine, * the Duke of Alua, hath much of

his glory dusked, by an Hiſtorian, that relates the

(a) Prior of Crato would haue come to a good com-

poſition : but hee would not heare of it, becauſe it

could not haue bin then ſaid,he conquered Portugal

with the ſword:of ſuch a valew were a few idle words,

as his maſters profit and his own truth were thought

things meete to giue place to this wind ,   to this no-

­thing : But behold how Fortune ſometimes playes

the ſame part that wiſedome doth, and brings a ſuc-

cesfull end to falſe beginnings: Vnde bellum ciuile a-

trociβimum eſſet conſecutum, niſi mors pene repentina

conſtantium ante ſuſtuliβet : thus doth that blinde

guide make arguments to ouerthrow iudgement:

thus vpon the death of Alexander de medicis , Coſimo

was inthroned,being ſcarce out of the downe of his

childhood, without much paine or ſtudy , that had

coſt his predeceſſors much trouble, much care : ſo

doth it pleaſe the diuine wiſedome , to demonſtrate

to mortall eyes their impotency ; for it is hee, there

is no fortune, it is hee that makes thoſe things that

ſeeme to haue idle beginnings, proue profitable at

the end.Both theſe examples,though in ſome things

different, yet agree in the demonſtrating : thoſe

things that wee vnderſtand not, and therefore call

chances, haue often as faire an end as things propo-

ſed; which is the will of heauen to teach vs earth-

lings, that our purpoſes cannot go whither they are

cōmanded,without his pleaſure. At his Coronation,

& after, he ſeemed modeſtly to miſlike his greatnes,

the common tricke of ambition, who ſtill deſires to

ſeeme careleſſe of what he chiefely thirſts after; if

it be not ſo, it is as with vs all , that like thoſe things                         ||



that are fartheſt off : hee vſed often to proteſt, Ni-

hil ſe amplius aſſecutum, quam vt occupatior interiret :

a ſpeech that, me thinkes, drawes the nature of his

place liuely ; and withall , the happineſſe of his

place ; for there cannot be a more noble ſtate,then

that which perforce bids vs to bee induſtrious and

buſie ; a more worthy buſineſſe can there not bee,

then the imployment of a Prince : hee feeles not

death that dyeth thus, he hath other buſineſſe , then

to breed thoughts of terror ; and for them that find

greatneſſe , and yet make death terrible , it comes

from the abuſe of their authority : for they truly v-

ſing it, are vnſenſible of ſmart , and feare not death,

nor his worſt countenance.

       After his poſſeſſion of the Empire , hee inuaded

Perſia, drawne the more willingly, by a perſwaſion,

that his body had gotten Alexander his ſoule , and

ſhould haue his ſucceſſe. Good Lord,into what vn-

certaine and ridiculous imaginations are they led,

that haue not the anchor-hold of Religion ! Went it

no further then this , it were moſt precious; for it

keepes our thoughts in good order, which otherwiſe

would make vs all as wilde as mad-men : for we bred

Monſters and miſ-ſhapen things in our braine,which

did not the conſcience reduce into faſhion ( which

conſcience is the childe of Diuinity ) wee ſhould not

touch one another for feare of breaking : but ſome-

time ſuch a perſwaſion carrieth higher and hand-

ſomer then euer meant , inforcing imitation. I

knew once a fellow, meane enough, and as meanly

qualited, being ſayd to be like a great man,began to

ingender ſtirring thoughts, of ſpirit, of well doing,

and , at the laſt, arriued at the pitch of an indiffe-                             ||



rent worthy fellow ; but within a while this muſt be

caſt off. It is not amiſſe at the firſt to giue children

plummes for learning their leſſon, but afterwards

they muſt loue learning for knowledges ſake, theſe

for vertues. Of the happineſſe of his perfections,

and then of his imperfections : his temperance carri-

ed with it a number of commodities ; for beſides

health , it maintained the ſtrength and viuacitie of

his ſpirit,which the aboundance of eating and drink-

­ing is wont to quench; at leaſt kill : his ſleeps were

thereby leſſe (the drowner of the ſpirits) being the

image of death, the maker of the vnderſtanding dull,

and ſenſeleſſe : but the beſt quality is the cooling of

luſt, which banqueting and exceſſe is wont to kindle

in the body , aud the body to fire the minde ; but

this abſtinence brings the other vnder, and curbes

luſt , which vſually melteth away , and ſo becom-

meth the maintainer of the life of man. His ex-

ample is not of the leaſt conſequence , the life of    

the Prince being the book of the ſubiect,from which

nothing may withdraw them: though his abundance

may ſeeme to licenſe him, and exempt them, they

will take it for no anſwere , nor in trueth is it ſuffici-

ent , for I thinke they were lent him to doe others

good with, not himſelfe hurt : prouident in ſpen-

ding his treaſure , parcimonious of his time , both

ſtrengtheners of himſelfe , for by the firſt , hee

comes not to neede others, by the laſt not to com­-

plaine of time , for they liue the ſhorteſt ( though

moſt yeeres ) that miſpend it : a lamentable thing,

euen worſe then mortality , for this death is worſe

then that : a great meanes of this , was the cu-

ſtome of delighting the people , and of honouring                         ||



their gods with ſundry publike ſports ; and what

might be the reaſon beſides ignorance,in the Roman

State vpholding theſe, I can but gheſſe; it might

be with their Cōminalty, as with our little children,

who if not feede with ſports will growe wayward

and crie, ſo tickliſh are popular States , where it is

but a ſtep from the beſt to the worſt, that if they bee

not kept buſie, they will mutiny and growe into

miſlikes ; to doe well they muſt be appointed their

very thoughts, with feeding them with light ſtuffe,

farre from the matter. Wherefore, if in no other re-

ſpect, the Monarchy is to be honoured as the Prince

of gouernment, and eſpecially thoſe of ſucceſſion,

where the ambitious and rebellious nature hath not

ſo much to worke vpon, the people being euer moſt

affectionate to the bloud Royall,and God hauing ex-

preſly prohibited the vſing violence to his Anointed:

the ſecret meaning of theſe ſports was beſt knowne

to the Romanes , but of the diſeaſes of them I haue

noted. 2. In the time of Nero, and both of them

me thinkes likely to follow : The one of them was,

when the Procurators , Proconſulls, or other Magi-

ſtrates,had abuſed the authority of their places,with

pilling and taxing the ſubiects of the Empire , they

came to Rome and made their peace, with giuing the

­people the ſight of ſword-plaiers,or ſom ſuch things.

Here is the Prohibition : Edixit Caeſar ne quis Ma-

giſtratus , aut Procurator, qui Prouinciam obtinert

ſpectaculum gladietorum, aut ferarum, aut quod aliud lu-

dicrum aderet ; this is the medicine, the diſeaſe fol-

loweth: Nam ante non minus tali largitione,quam cor-

ripiendis pecunijs ſubiectos affligebant,dum qua libidine

deliquerant,ambitu propugnant: It is a circumſpection                     ||



moſt behouefull for the Magiſtrate, to take away the

meanes of getting theſe keyes to open the peoples

heart with , which is to be certainlieſt performed,

with ſtopping all ſprings,that would feed them, but

the fountaine of chieſe authority ; for otherwiſe,

they will like tame birds , readily come to the call of

him that giues them meate. The other was, how apt

the celebrations were to nouriſh a laſciuious Prince,

ſhewing & directing the way to ſoftneſſe, & exceſſe:

which is well approued by this Empire of liberty and

feſtiualls,and the ancient Laconian ſtrictneſſe;where

there was neuer riotous Prince ; in the other, euery

ſecond or third Emperour a Monſter : there is not a

more dangerous thing then power in a wantō hand,

which euery way ruinates his charge; for iſ it liue to

growe olde, it becomes tyranny, in the meane time

corrupts himſelf and Common-wealth : the naturall

man louing bodily pleaſures, when cheriſhed by the

life of a laſciuious Prince, the nature of it is doubled.

Eſt vulgus cupiens voluptatum, & ſi eo Princeps trahat

laetum : They are well contented with ſuch a Gouer-

nour, alas, their countenances are vnfit guides for a

Stateſ-man ; me thinks they are like the ſence of taſt,

that neuer conſidereth the operation, but taſte: faire

otherwiſe was this Prince, which he layes to his edu­-

cation , though I think Nature had made him of too

rough a mould to bee carried with ſuch lightneſſe;

yet might it be his familiarity with letters,which car-

rieth the mind ſo high, as moſt other things appeare

baſe and contemptible ; this ſpeech is the childe of

ſuch a minde , turpe eſſe ſapienti,cum habeat animam

captare laudes ex corpore : it is a ſpeech worthie of the

wortbieſt mouth , and proclaimes to the ambitious                           ||



where to buy the beſt glory and commendations. It

reſteth to tell what were the waights that made his

vices heauieſt, the lightneſſe of his nature, or incon-

ſtancy , his purſuite of vnlawfull knowledges, and

laſtly, his ambition and cueoting dominion. I doe

not cry fie of inconſtancy, or curſe it, for by the leaue

of ages ſettledneſſe , there is neuer a Peſant in the

world traines vp youth better, I abhorre it in age,

and ſtop my noſe at it; but youths beſt lectures are

read by inconſtancy; neuer ſtampe, miſtris experi-

ence,at my opinion,for were it not lawfull for age to

forget, I ſhould call you ingratefull, for Inconſtancy

was your nurſe, and all the ſtrange experiments you

haue paſſed, ſhe carried you through. But when age

begins to decline a body , it is time to leaue it : hee

hath ſpent his time ill, that knowes not then what to

truſt to, which knowne muſt be held to the death,yea

and in death. Martyrdome is one of the beſt faſhio-

ned cuts that Dame Atropos hath : me thinks, at that

time Death playeth a gallant conductor , and leads

vs to an aſſault that paſſed, deſerues tryumph, his ill

directed knowledges deſerue the greateſt blame, for

all knowledges whatſoeuer that haue poyſoned man,

with the perſwaſion of ſtanding onely vpon his own

ftrength, are both feeble and impious ; they are like

legges that haue onely ſtrength to carry the body,

where it may deſtroy it ſelfe : amongſt theſe Magick

and Aſtrologie , the ſtudies of vaine melancholicke

natures , but eſpecially the diuel-binders are the

moſt ſottiſh people in the world : for what can bee

more ridiculous then to thinke hearbs, ſpels, and cir­-

cles, can enforce infernall ſpirits to be ruled by mor-

tall men, or that God will giue a power to his Name                          ||



abuſed ? But Aſtrologie is not ſo ill. The other Ma-

gicke,is the game that the diuell playes at faſt and

looſe with man, but the abuſe of knowledge, the diſ-

eaſe of the fineſt metals, deſerues more pitty; of

all the great troupes that goe this way, I find few ar-

riued at an indifferent commendation ; I cannot tel,

they are cut off either by pride, vanity, or contempt;

this is the couſenage of partiality ; doe you thinke

there is ſuch an excellency in hauing ſlubbered an A-

riſtotle ? Fie,no. If you vnderſtood Aristotle, you

might be bettered ; there is not ſuch a vertue in

genus and ſpecies,as you haue ſet it downe in your In-

­uentory,they are but names ; and Art it ſelfe but the

ſtilts of a cripple : for if we could go without them,

what ſhould we do with them ? Vanity, prides mi-

­nority , belongeth to this crue : ſuch are thoſe that

hauing taken a doſſe of Cicero, preſently learne their

tongues to dance a Cinque-pace ; theſe vtter Orati-

­ons ſo like Ciceroes as they ſeeme the ſame , ſo well

can they enforce a circumſtance and neatly ſlide

from one limme of Rethoricke to another : away

with this whoriſh eloquence , with this breath-mar-

chandiſe , it becomes not the grauity of a profeſſed

ſcholler, no more then it doth a Generall, reckoned

to be skilfull at his needle. The laſt is Pride in graine,

contempt ; an humor ſodden in ſelfe opinion, a diſ-

eaſe killing the loue of his countrey, & countrymen,

the perſwaſion to make him to apply the riches of his

mind to the benefit of others, but this is taken away;

for contempt and loue were neuer friends, and then

he is no other then a buried Treaſure : This diſeaſe

is to bee knowne by ſeparating his cuſtomes from

the world,by an eye ful of diſdain, by a countenance                         ||



borrowed from the picture of ſome old Philoſopher:

for no people am I more ſorry, then for theſe,which

abuſe the picture of our firſt and moſt bleſſed ſtate:

they that deſire cure , let them goe to Seneca , Frons

noſtra, populo conueniat, and after more thorowly, Id

agamus,vt meliorem vitam ſequamur quam vulgus,non

vt contrariam : I am glad yet that Seneca’s time was

troubled with theſe inke-horne Bragards , as well as


     But this Emperours coueting dominion, of which

I ſhall ſpeake like one in a dreame, for I cannot think

like a Prince , and I am glad of it , for they are

thoughts too bigge for me, but as I gheſſe,Ambiti-

on is more naturall and profitable , in a Prince then

priuate men : for the definition of vtile & honeſtum

with them, and vs , is not all one, our ſtates and our

profeſſions differ , and all one inſtrument will not

ſerue vs.



IVLIANS Dialogue of the Caeſars.


I Deſire to haue the picture of famous men by

mine eare not mine eye , I preferre the Hiſtorian,

before the Painter , I get nothing by the faſhion

of his face, but by the knowledge of his life : the pen

is the beſt penſell, which drawes the mind,the other,

that tells you the ſtature and proportion of the body

may delight,not profit;giue me therfore their works;

if writers ; if not, their liues written by others: thus

thinke I of bookes (the iſſue of our minds)all which

are not without ſome profit , for there is no ſoule

altogether barren, but eſpecially thoſe that are able,                           ||



and doe write in earneſt,thoſe binde the whole world

to them, for they diſſolue their ſpirits, to make theirs

more precious, and by the helpe of time haue made

that excellent cordiall, that the ſoule diſgeſting may

recouer, and bee preſerued againſt our naturall diſ-

eaſe ignorance. I ſucked not long enough of my

Schoole-maſter to proue a Commentor , I cannot

fetch words from their ſwadling bands, nor make

them interpret the quality of the things knowne by

them, I tract them not,nor ſet a brand of them when

I meete them , nor compare the words of one Au­-

thor with another : if I can make ioyning worke of

the matter, I goe contented, for I worke not for

words : and thus nature hath framed me, & I will not

goe to ſurgery for an alteration; for me thinkes it be-

­comes a gentle ſpirit well, to leaue the droſſe and fly

to the matter, he writes not vnder the hard reſtraint

of feare or gaine,but gallantly giues the World the

trauels of his minde, and it is gallantly, for a Merci-

nary liberalliſt is in little better ſtate then a Renegado:

let him then that courts his cenſurers with ſweet titles

for feare of bitterneſſe , or him that ſends his booke

of a voyage in hope of gaine , tend this cutting vp

words and ſuch ſtuffe : but he that writes ſo purely as

to want theſe , let him run into things of worth, and

fetch ſecrets out of the entrals of actions: I haue read

Hiſtory, but they ſeldome doe any more then make

the times confeſſe; ſome vpon Hiſtory,moſt ſimple,

ſome better, others dangerous; but this Dialogue

hath of the vertue of both,and little of their idlenes,

full of excellent obſeruation, and withal quick:ſo wel

did theſtomak of mine vnderſtanding like it,that ſhe

boyled longer then ordinary,& here is the digeſtion.                          ||



     It is not my maner to be buſie about the maner of

the feaſt,the place,nor other circumſtances,let it ſuf-

fice the Author makes Romulus inuite his ſucceſſours

to a feaſt, at whoſe entrance Sylenus , Iupiters buffone

hits them where they were left vnarmed by Vertue.

     I promiſe neither method nor antiquitie; but after

my faſhion thus : Firſt Iulius Caeſar enters, of whom

Sylenus bids Iupiter beware, leſt he plots his depo-

ſing; for hee is (ſayth hee) great and fayre ; thus

dangerous is the neighbour-hood of Ambition: for

all other affections that are wont to maintaine ami-

­ty are not here ; for Ambition loues nothing but it

ſelfe , nor pitties , nor regards: ſo both commen-

­ding his reaſon and paſſion to bee ſlaues to this hu-

­mour is good onely for that, to all other dangerous.

Beſides the humour,he had two inſtruments belong­-

ing to it, he was great and faire; alas, what account

ſhould we make of our reaſon ? ſince ſhe ſuffereth

the vaineſt occaſions to beget the ſeriouſeſt purpo-

ſes. Is it not pitifull that Valour ſhould be beholding

to the Drumme and Trumpet, and flying of the co-

­lours and the glittering of Armour ? Yet is it, and I

thinke few ſpirits , but amongſt the reſt haue found

theſe the inflamer of courage : no leſſe abſurd is the

election of a Magiſtrate by his beautie ; yet is it

common for that Whoriſh affection to preuaile, the

which rank’d with this greatneſſe ouercomming ſuf-

ficiency , when men whoſe euidence lyeth in their

titles; ſhall poſſeſſe places where wiſedome is be-

houeful, & patrias laudes ſentiat eſſe ſuas. Of al which

there is to be noted the baſeneſſe of our choyce, the

ſluggiſhneſſe of our reaſon, for not forbidding the

banes. And laſtly,how they throw themſelues into                            ||



the hands of Fortune, with managing theſe high

things ſo baſely. In the deſcription of Octauius en-

­trance, I note Poetries power,he makes him appeare

in diuers colours, which, me thinks,doth here more

handſomely then the plaine truth : for it had not bin

ſo fit to haue ſayd, Policy ſutes his forme like the oc-

­caſion, and alters as it alters: of him, Sylenus,Papae,

quam varium hoc animal, ſuch muſt be policy,for his

trade is with the diuers diſpoſitions of man, and ac-

cording to them muſt be diuers.

     Then Tiberius with a graue & cruel countenance,

who, he after paints full of ſcarres and ſcabbes, as te-

ſtimonies of his tyranny and intemperance,to whom

Sylenus, Longe alius mihi nunc, quam ante videres :

But, me thinkes, his Verſe is not rightly applyed, for

Tyrants are euer deformed,mary, feare in their liues

makes it inward, after their deaths apparant ; thus

pretily doth time mock mortality, firſt tying one par-

­tie, and ſuffering the other to beate them, then the

loſed, tyed,and the tyed loſed: thus tyranny and ſub-

iection : tyranny as long as it laſts buffets his vnder-

lings , but death at laſt giues the loſer a time of re-

uenge , when he woundeth their memories, with-

­out feare or danger.

     After Silenus aſſaults his abominable life in the

Iland Caprea, in no life doe the blemiſhes of life ap-

peare ſo viſibly as in Princes,whoſe height and pow­-

er, as it may do much, ſo is it moſt obſerued. I won-

­der hee lets him ſcape for Seianus, his doting vpon

whom, was much more impardonable then the ſim-

ple Claudius, becauſe the former profeſſed craft, the

other alwaies gouerned by ſmocks and ſlaues.

       At Claudius entrance he repeats a Comedy, and                       ||



after complaines of Romulus, for ſuffering him to

come without Naciſſus,Palantus, and his wife Meβa-

lina: thus it happens with them that beare the names

of great places, and lay their execution vpon others:

thus with them that are ſo tender hearted as to bee

led by others:thus haue I often obſerued ſeruile con­-

ditions to vndermine their maſters,there being great

loſſe in granting to the will of interceſſors, for the

gift is theirs, the thanks anothers; wherefore it is the

duty of diſcretiō to reſerue to themſelues the occaſi-

on of importance, and he that giueth,to be vnknown

himſelfe to him that he giues. Now comes Nero

and his harpe : nothing is ſo faſt tyed to vs as our

faults, we are neuer mentioned without them, they

hackney our names to death, and neuer leaue ſpur-

ring them till they haue killed them.This man, ſaith

Silenus imitates Apollo, in the meane time behold

his miſſhapen courſe, that deſtinated to an Empire,

purſues the facultie of a Muſician: I neuer ſee any

that profeſſe skill in many things : in theſe hie mat-

­ters much leſſe ; one being inough for one : There

followes a troupe together, though Vindex ſhewes

the ſuppreſſion of tyranny, is behouefull to the com-

­mon-wealth , but dangerous to the party. Galba

was euer too little or too big, for his fortune, beeing

thought fit for an Empire whileſt priuate, when an

Emperour, vnworthy, and ended his ſlaues ſlaue.

       Otho might haue beene examined about the go-

uernment of Lucitania, whether hee poſſeſt not that,

to be diſpoſſeſſed of Popa. For Vitellius let Iupiter

looke his cheere bee good, or elſe his pallate will

purſe his hoſt: Galba ſhewes the difference betweene

opinion and tryall, and withall that there is no grea-                        ||



ter enemy to praiſe then expectation : Otho, that it

is not impoſſible to poſſeſſe great places for vilde

cauſes : Vitellius that there is nothing that diſcouers

a laſciuious mind ſo cleerely,as power and authority.

Veſpaſian followes a Prince that Sylenus could finde

no fault with, but it ſeemes, hee had not read Dion,

who relates the time of his whores death : heere is

the oddes of beeing neere an Emperour , for a

thouſand better deſeruing women died in thoſe

times without mention: he ſaith he delighted much

in her, neither becomming his age, office, nor wiſe-

dome, but I find none without ſome ayle or other.

     It had been a good time for Sylenus, to haue asked

this, what it was he repented him of, whether it were

his louing his brothers wife to wed, or not , hating

his brother inough , or elſe his fearing the people,

more then louing Berenice. Domitian had been bet-

ter for a butchers ſhop then a palace : for there it

could hardly haue been ſayd of him,Solus est,ne muſ

ca quidem cum eo : now Traiane appeares, vpon whoſe

ſight, Sylenus gives Iupiter warning to looke to Gani-

medes : hee might alſo haue bidden him be carefull

of his Nectar; for he loued his lector as wel as boies.

The grave fellow following muſt be in Aurelius, ac-

cording to my geſſe a fellow meeter to haue made a

priuate man then a Prince, one of his commendati-

ons was his ſufferance: a good pretty prayſe for a ſub-

iect, but nothing fit for a Prince, he was alſo pitifull,

a procurer of loue : but what of that, loue thus obtai-

­ned,is too familiar a Vertue for an Emperour. Per-

tinax bought his regalitie at a deare rate , his grea-

teſt fault was his ill huſbandry , for as trees in their

firſt growth are defended by bryars, which after­-                              ||



wards vncut vp, ouerthrow the floriſhing of the tree;

ſo an vnlawfull elected Prince, ſeldome eſcapes plu-

­ling[1] downe, by thoſe that ſet him vp ; for couetouſ-

neſſe being the cauſe of their combination, nothing

can ſerue their vnſatiable deſires, nor be thought a

ſufficient recompence : aske Laetus els by the fortune

of Plautianus. Here comes Seuerus a Prince of indif-

­ferent worthineſſe, had not his vertue ſuffered ſhip-

wracke by his affections, erant ei filii multo chariores

quam ciues , which though a priuate man may con-

feſſe, whoſe gouernment is but a houſhold , it is a

ſhame for a Prince , whoſe office as it reſembles the

gods in power, ſo ſhould it in being free from partia-

lity. Macrinus entreth : a thing made by chance, and

ouerthrowne by chance, come from a baſe Progeny,

and ruined by an infant. Alas, for this poore fellow

that followes; Alexander that dyed becauſe he loued

his Parents well; this is he that would giue any mony

for quietnes , and made Oratours the ſupporters of

his Empire. Debere vnumquemg ſuis fortunis acqui-

eſcere, a ſpeech fit for a warme chamber, and no bu-

ſineſſe, queſtionleſſe he ſought not the Empire, but

the Empire him : ſo doe the Fates or chance, or if

you will , more high and certaine powers conſtitute

ignorant men in high places,to diſtemper all,to giue

after the more grace to the reorderer. There follows

more , but I will not follow all , nor ſtand vpon the

Authors Poetry, or by-ſpeeches, I write vpon him,

not him out,they that will haue it more orderly, were

beſt goe thither for it.                                                                           ||




Compariſon betweene Alexander and Caeſar.


NOw to the compariſon betweene Alexander

and Caeſar : Caeſar loued a wench,as well as A-

lexander wine, both faults, but which moſt

dangerous diſputable,they both impaire the vnder-

ſtanding, the one with laying too much vpon the

head,the other with taking too much from the head:

wine drownes reaſon , luſt prefers his wench before

the World : in wine Alexander killed Clytus, Caeſar

proclaimes loue letters in the Senate : both brea-

­ches likely to waſte authority , but which of them

moſt dangerous , I leaue to the cenſurers, both of

them doubtleſſe full of danger, for they are the priuy

gates, whereat Conſpirators get entrance.More ear-

­ly did Alexander begin to buſie fame,but that was his

fortune. Ceaſar more worthily, if not at laſt vnworthi-

ly ; for, hee ouerthrew the hinderance of a meane

ſtate , and made way through the obſcurity of his

birth, which he confeſſeth difficult. Difficilius ſe prin-

cipem ciuitatis a primo ordine in ſecundum, quam a ſe-

cundo in nouiβimum detrudi; how he did this deſerues

note : I find all his actions, euen his youngeſt, to be

carried with great maieſty, and an intent to lay the

foundation of a reuerend opinion of him in the harts

of men; his behauiour amongſt the Pirats was one,

the refuſing the friendſhip of Lepidus another, he be-

­ing the author of reſtoring the Tribunes office: theſe

for example, vpon which time will not ſuffer me to

worke my will , the wiſe obſeruer may for me, and

gaine by it, Alexander was not idle in his childs age,                       ||



his managing Bucephalus, argued courage ; his vſe of

Embaſſadors,wiſedome; the denying to run without

Kings, maieſtie : but theſe were beautified with be-

­ing the actions of a Prince, for they would not be-

­come Caeſar halfe ſo well,becauſe a priuate man; that

Caeſar wept at the ſight of Alexanders picture, is no

aduantage, for he had the ods of him by birth : then

both were happy, in not hauing the firſt growth of

their indeuours, ouer-driped by men already great ;

Greece at this time , not hauing any great Souldier.

Caeſar in his firſt Conſulſhip , being matched with a

heauy fellow,that not able to keep way with his ſwift-

neſſe, and ſtrength of his ſpirit , gaue him leaue to

manage all matters alone,whereupon his two names

ſerued for the names of both the Conſuls, Nonnulli

vrbanorū cum quid per iocum testandi gratia ſignarent ,

non Caeſare & Bibulo, ſed Iulio & Caeſare Conſule actum

ſcriberent: they tried how the world would like their

authorities, by two different meanes. Alexander an

abſolute Prince inuaded Greece , by which hee made

them vnderſtand that his youth deſerued not con-

­tempt, and brought them to be aſſiſtants in the wars

againſt Perſia. Caeſar lower,but no leſſe politikely,he

tooke the occaſion of his daughters death, and in an

office of affection preſented the people with plea-

ſures and nouelties: munus populo aepulumg pronuntia-

uit in filiae memoriam,quod ante eum nemo fecit ;this was

a taſte of their likings, a loue letter of an Amoriſt,

which if taken, more wil be taken: Caeſar ſeems in the

difficulty of their conqueſts the worthier, no nation

of Alexanders being comparable,either to the Gaules

or Heluetians, but in the vpſhot alike, both the Perſi-

an &Pompey being greater in reputation then truth                          ||



they did well, as long as they went with the tyde :

it was the generation long before ſpent , that made

the Perſian diademe ſhine with Imperiall title,the vi­-

gor of neceſſity,that is wont to moue magnanimity,

was taken away, and now left an ouerflowing of for­-

tune , which makes men degenerate and become

ſlothfull. Pompey became great by the trauels of Lu

cullus and others;neither his managing the ciuil wars

was as it ſhould be , nor his aduerſity rightly mana-

ged; ſo that, me thinks, beholding him, I behold no-

­thing but a bubble of fortunes : for their particular

valours,they were both valiant,in their military diſci-

pline,they differed,which might be by the difference

of their aduerſaries, nature and country: in the ſpe-

ciall point of Armes they agreed, to encounter the

hearts of men, as well as bodies. Therfore did Alex­-

ander deny Parmenio the inuading his enemies by

night,anſwering the conqueſts of their hearts gene­-

rally, not of a particular army was the way : the Em-

­pire of Perſia being aboundant in men, could neuer

haue bin ouercome,if their diſcourſe could haue laid

the Macedonian cōqueſts vpon any accident, but then

vanquiſhed,when feare ſhould make them ſuperſtiti-

ouſly adde,to the valour of their enemies,and think

baſely of their owne ſtrengths : not thus, but to the

ſame purpoſe, Caeſar neuer miſliked the multitude of

his enemies,difficulty being euer a ſpurre to his acti-

ons. That humor that Caeſar poſſeſt his Souldiers

with, at the ſcorning life at the hands of Caeſars ene­-

mies, I find not in Alexanders,yet had he one of the

chiefe inſtigators,the being ſtil a Conqueror;for had

Caeſar ſometimes loſt, they would haue growne wea-

­ry. This branch came firſt from the root of ſucceſſe,                         ||



ſeconded by ſome gallant ſpirits of Caeſars ſide,emu-

­lated by their followers,rewarded by Caeſar;both held

the hearts of the ſouldiers by liberality , the onely

meanes to make them apt for great matters, and his

meanes that attempts great matters, that which wee

call the common good, this is a chiefe limbe of,the

ingroſſing which alienates the harts of ſubiects more

then any thing,and with thoſe natures that muſt feele

the effects of vertue,with their hand: no doubt libe-

­rality makes them daring , the contrary, Cowards:

Alexander maintained this honeſteſt, thankes to his

Patrimony:for a ſpirit that aimes at ſo great matters,

cannot determine thoſe things diſhoneſt that are any

thing auaileable. Suetonius ſayth of Caeſar, Vrbes diru-

it ſaepius ob praedam quam delictum , an impardonable

fault, for though fury, ſmart,or rapine may carry the

common Souldier paſt the bounds of reaſon; yet

ſhould the Generals minde be ſtill one , and behold

nothing with ſo much loue as iuſtice,but this was the

violence of Ambition , who dares diſpleaſe right,

then her aſſiſtants. Caeſar, after his victories, vſed to

giue his ſouldiers an accuſtomed liberty, a preſident

for all the ſucceſſe dangerous, for of all rewards and

incouragements , libertie is the moſt dangerous to

the giuer. Contrariwiſe, Alexander then curbed his

Souldiers, doubting inſolency, the deſtinate diſeaſe

of ſucceſſe, which he did by giuing education to the

Perſian youth, and after imploying them , a deſigne

full of wiſedome , for his conqueſts hauing layd all

things at her feete, they had no need of his directi-

­on, but hee of their loyalties, which had they found,

and found before his poſſeſſion of other ſtrengths,

doubtleſſe they would haue made him their ſlaue,                             ||



that counted himſelfe Monarch of the World : but

this I find it diſcōmodious, to rely vpon one aſſiſtant,

for two are not ſo likely to fayle as one ; and to ſay

truth,both will be the more true,becauſe they are two.

Equally did they ſubiect their bodies to rayſe their

reputations , they knew the force of example, and re-

ſtrayned appetite for honours ſake. Alexander would

not adde to the thirſt of his companions , with the

quenching of his owne. Caeſar in a ſtraight lodging

gaue his friends the houſe,and lay himſelf in the ayre;

I cannot ſay in the cold, for he that is wrapt in the fie-

­ry thoughts of ambition, cannot feele heate nor cold,

nor any of theſe diſtemperatures : it is idleneſſe that

betraies vs to the opinion of aches and infirmities;for

he that imploies his minde , carrieth his body about

without feeling the burthen : the vſe of theſe is an ex­-

cellent remedy againſt enuy,meane fortunes thinking

greatneſſe , loues greatneſſe to nouriſh delicacy; but

this is diſproued by partaking with their extremities.

Both intertained a ſweetneſſe of nature in bewayling

the miſery or death of their enemies, which, whether

it came from the grounds of clemency, or otherwiſe

to wrap ſome other purpoſe in, is hardly to be diſcer-

ned,for there is no ſuch counterfaiter to the life,as an

aſpiring diſpoſition : Thus Caeſar ſate vp the ſtatues of

Silla and Pompey; thus Alexander kindly and honeſtly

entertained the wife and mother of Darius:Caeſar took

to mercy the relikes of Pompeys ouerthrowne Army:

Alexander ſuffered the mother of Darius to ſolemnize

the burials, of his ſlaine enemies , which compaſſion

is the onely balme to heale vp the wound of reuenge.

Laſtly, Caeſar wept at the ſight of Pompeys head : and

Alexander ſharply executed the murtherer of Darius;                       ||



In the firſt, I ſee how pretily diſſimulation can apply

her ſelfe ſometimes; for ſurely Caeſar felt no remorſe

in the hardneſſe of his labours, ſuch thoughts attend

decay’d eſtates, not the ſummer of fortune. In the o-

ther, one death ſerues two turnes, for death rewarded

him, and death mitigated the rancor, likely to ſpring

out of the aſhes of Darius. About conſpiracies, Alex

ander ſpake as Caeſar thought, Satius eſt, alieno me mori

ſcelere, quam metumeo, they might haue liued longer,

if they had been of another minde; yet I thinke they

choſe well, for they choſe the eaſieſt: for feare runnes

diuiſion vpon death, euery thought being an inſtru­-

ment of torment , at the end they meete in the laſt

courſe of greatneſſe : Alexander was a King , and

would needs be a god : Caeſar,becauſe not a King, a

King; thus doe the baits of fortune coozen vs,and

ſtuffe vs with monſtrous and vnnatural thoughts;they

dyed both violent deaths, the end of violent ambiti-

­on : for who miſlikes not that one ſhould poſſeſſe ſo

much of honour, fame and dominion as would ſerue

many ?

     Octauius comes againe,whoſe beginning to ſpeake,

reſembles his life , buſie in the ſeparating enuy and

greatneſſe, which he did by giuing euery ſtate a taſte

of his gouernment : by turnes they felt it all, euen the

meaneſt and youngeſt, the ſureſt ſtrengthener of au-

­thority: only this Prince gaue occaſion leaue to chuſe,

which was to be entertained of peace or warres : an

excellent temper, the which many of his Predeceſ-

ſors and Succeſſors had loſt by, whiles they regarded

not which was moſt fit for their Countries,but which

was moſt fitting their natures : it were too long to

touch all the particulars of his life ; let it ſuffice, they                       ||



all tended to ſettle the troubled eſtate of his time, the

teſtimonies of diſhonour that the Romanes ſuffered

vnder Craſſus and Anthonie, by the hands of the Par-­

thians, he ſolued, as much as the reſtoring the mili-

­tary ornaments, areſted by the Victors might, which

witneſſeth wiſedome is a more preuailing aſſiſter then

ſtrength ; hee enforced all the Knights of Rome, to

yeeld an account of their liues,an ordinance,looke on

which ſide you will, full of health, for idleneſſe brings

barrenneſſe ; his Epiſtle to his adopted ſonne illu-

ſtrates another limbe of his wiſedome: Noli in hac re

nimium indignari, quenquam eſſe qui de me male loqua-

tur, &c. Theſe ill ſpeakers are rather troubleſome

then dangerous,an humour ariſing rather out of ſome

light paſſion or wanton gadding of the tongue, then

from malice ; who is more ſilent,more full of poyſon;

ouer thoſe care, but ouer the other,neglect is the beſt

medicine : he reſufed the name of Dictator , though

his authority farre exceeded it, the onely courſe to

make greatneſſe ſtand firmely ; for by the common

eye, names are more plainely ſeene, then executions,

which ſilently enioy a more ample and ſafe rule,

then thoſe that make their titles march before their

power. Our Dialoguiſt omits ſome,and I ſome.

     Traiane ſpeakes next, a Prince full of merits; eſpe-

cially in his warlike actions , but me thinkes it was to

the ſame end , that he made warre vpon a Country :

ſed reuera id bellum ſuſcepit adductus gloriae cupiditate ;

it often falls out thus, and as often that our diſpoſiti-

ons without any great paines giue vs pretty graces :

therefore ſay I, a young man not couetous , and an

olde man no lecher, deſerues neither thanks nor mar-

uell,but their exchange doth well, come they from                           ||



what cauſe they will, they are well ; he was an excel-

ent Prince, and that title his ſubiects gaue him, opti

mus cognominatus eſt, he deſerued it for he abſtained

as much from depriuing his ſubiects frō their goods,

as from vnlawfull ſlaughters, both the one and the o-

ther, the maine vertues of a Prince, for to pill them,is

no leſſe horrible, then the tutor of an Infant to betray

his charge, the other is bloudy, which though their

ieloſies thinke the way of freedome, they are decei-

ued ; for an vniuſt death raiſeth tenne enemies out of

one : Non ei vnquam accidit (quod euenire in huiuſmodi

ſolet ) vt millites feroces ſe & inſolentes praebuerint , as

great a praiſe as memory can.giue a Commander;for

nothing is ſo ſure an euidence of a wiſe man , as to

bring his ſouldiers to fetch all their determinations

from him , and not to let them entertaine inſolency,

when victors ; nor baſeneſſe, when vanquiſhed; but

ſtill to reade his will, and to hold that will a lawe : hee

carefully viſited the wounded,honourably buried the

dead, marched on foote with them, ſuffered part of

their extremities. I like this better then the ſaluting

them commilitones : ſuffer with them, giue them, care

for them ; but no fellowes, nor companions: theſe

words kill all the actions of greatneſſe , of commiſe-

ration, of pitie , with contempt ; for neuer can one

man play two parts well , you cannot bee their Iudge

and companion; for this equality taketh away the re­-

gard of your ſentence : loue them , but doe not play

with them.

     Marcus enters, a ſlowe wiſe fellow, whoſe opinion

was ; non decere Imperatorem, propere quicquam agere :

I like conſideration well, but not to ſticke faſt vpon a

deſigne ; ſure he was naturally a dull flegmaticke fel-                       ||



low; and ſo was honeſt whether he would or no, he

ſayth little in this Dialogue,and little is ſayd to him;

but only he was a wiſe man,becauſe he knew when

to ſpeake, and when to hold his peace,which is wiſ-

dome, but the loweſt forme of wiſedome : for the

higheſt is , when to doe and not to doe. Post hunc

Conſtantium vt diceret , admonuerunt ; vnder this

Prince things of note were done; but not by him:

thus ſearch the diuine natures into mens actions,the

ſtrength of whoſe ſight, is neither to be deceiued,

nor corrupted ; he rooted out two Tyrants, not hee

but himſelfe the firſt, being weake and ſlothfull, two

diſeaſes that make the thus diſeaſed, vncapable of

great matters; the other, being the impediment of

fortune,had the impediment of age,a heauy clogge

and the oppoſite to expedition: both of them had

both the miſlike of God and men , and would haue

ruined themſelues without helpe : he was ſubiect to

delicacy and luxury , which being vices vncounter-

uailed with vertue,made him reiected of the gods,

and baniſhed into the orbe of the Moone : the Au­-

thor thinkes he enforced not enough how behoue-

full theſe warres were to the world, rooting out Ty-

­rants, (the curſe of mankinde) where Caeſar and o-

thers made their ambition deſtroy their Country-

­men, and ſubuert their Common-wealths; the reſt,

or at leaſt many of them, picking quarrels with their

neighbours to feed their owne inſatiable appetite :

Si quis ſinus obditus[2] vltra,ſi qua foret tellus quae fuluum

mittere aurum, hoſtis erat ; but others faults mend

not his , and perhaps it was his enemies that made

his quarrell good, for be they neuer ſo worthy,am-

bitious Princes will finde cauſes to be troubleſome.                         ||



     It was well knowne by the gods, that power may

accompanie beautifull actions, ſometimes without

vertue; therfore they are examined, about the cau-

ſes of their indeuours : firſt, Alexander is asked,

and anſweres ; Vt omnta vincerem. Mercury de-

mands, whether he had performed it, he ſayth yea :

Silenus, no, for wine ouercame him, hee ſayth, no,

by the helpe of his Maſter Aristotle, inanimata non

vincere : here the Author deſires to ſhew the fruits

of ſubtilty , which euer wiſheth to be commended,

rather for his ſharpeneſſe then truth : wherefore

knowledge ſhould be imployed, rather to arme rea-

ſon againſt vice then to defend vice : his cauſe of

maintaining warres, deſerues prayſe , onely for the

truth,for too vnequall are thoſe intents , that ayme

at making all mankind vaſſals. Caeſar is asked,whoſe

anſwere Mercury calls obſcure ; and therefore de-

maunds againe,what he deſired chiefly to excell in ?

he anſwered,In all things, for ſo doth the ambitious

wiſh, by their wills not ſuffering any excellency out

of their owne boſomes. Octauius was asked, what

he thought the moſt excellent thing ; he Pulchre im-

perium adminiſtrare, hee choſe well , for there is no

ſuch ſight, as to behold a Common-wealth flouri-

ſhing, and to know it comes from the wiſedome of

the beholder; but Marcus his anſwere is moſt ex­-

cellent : Deos (inquit) imitari, in which is compre­-

hended all other excellencies ; for there is no excel-

­lency wherewith the diuine nature participates not.

Silenus askes him,in what he thought to imitate the

gods: he, Quam pauciβimis indigere,& quam imis

benefacere : a rule for all them that deſire to do well,

for a minde that needes much , is a ſicke minde and                          ||


vnprofitable. Silenus askes him againe if he needed

nothing; he denyed his minde to need any outward

thing, perhaps the body ſomething : little is it that

the body needs, which is bleſt with a mind not nee-

ding,for it is the nature of the minde onely,not to

be ſatisfied with ſmall matters ; ſhe is thus formed

to be the more capable of her Creator : which pow-

­er of hers when corrupted,is corrupted in the inten-

­tion , not vniuerſality or largeneſſe of receit : thus

comes it that our deſires are ſtill thirſty : he taxeth

him for his wife, and ſonne, but he was too blame :

we haue nothing but is ſtayned with ſome imperfe-

ction, not beaſts and trees ; which I hold one of the

puniſhments of our fall; for they being for vs, wee

ſuffer in their deformities : he ends not here, but I

     will ; chuſing rather to end diſorderly then

                             not to end.


                               F I N I S.





































His temperāce.

[Cornwallis’s own note]

His chaſtity &


[Cornwallis’s own note]

Not giuen to


[Cornwallis’s own note]


His moderate


[Cornwallis’s own note]


His valour.

[Cornwallis’s own note]


















































































* The Duke of


[Cornwallis’s own note]

(a) Don Antonio

Prior of Crato,

commonly called

the King of Por


[Cornwallis’s own note]




















His Coronation.

[Cornwallis’s own note]













































His temperance.

[Cornwallis’s own note]





His moderate


[Cornwallis’s own note]






The Princes ex-

ample, the ſub-

iects booke.

[Cornwallis’s own note]

Prouidence of

time and trea


[Cornwallis’s own note]





His delighting

the people.

[Cornwallis’s own note]

















[Cornwallis’s own note]





2. Diſeaſes in the

Romane ſports.

The firſt diſeaſe.

[Cornwallis’s own note]



















The ſecond diſ


[Cornwallis’s own note]




Power in a

wanton hand

ruinates his


[Cornwallis’s own note]





















His vices.

[Cornwallis’s own note]


Firſt his incon-


[Cornwallis’s own note]


Prayſe of incon-

ſtancy in youth.

[Cornwallis’s own note]







one of the beſt


[Cornwallis’s own note]


His ill deriued


[Cornwallis’s own note]



Magicke and


[Cornwallis’s own note]


[Cornwallis’s own note]




























His contempt of


[Cornwallis’s own note]




To know what

contempt is.

[Cornwallis’s own note]












His ambition.

[Cornwallis’s own note]












His Dialogue

of the Caeſars.

[Cornwallis’s own note]

















The Authors di-

greſſion of him-


[Cornwallis’s own note]































Iulius Caeſars


[Cornwallis’s own note]


Caeſars ambition.

[Cornwallis’s own note]











Not good to e-

lect a Magi-

ſtrate for his


[Cornwallis’s own note]











Octauius en-


[Cornwallis’s own note]

His Poetry,

and Policie.

[Cornwallis’s own note]





Tiberius en-


[Cornwallis’s own note]


His tyranuy and intemperance.

[Cornwallis’s own note]












Claudius en-


[Cornwallis’s own note]





His committing

his affaires to


[Cornwallis’s own note]







Nero entrance

delighting with

playing on the


[Cornwallis’s own note]









[Cornwallis’s own note]




[Cornwallis’s own note]


[Cornwallis’s own note]










[Cornwallis’s own note]

Giuen to women.

[Cornwallis’s own note]










His cruelty.

[Cornwallis’s own note]


[Cornwallis’s own note]

Giuen to drink.

[Cornwallis’s own note]


[Cornwallis’s own note]

Too milde.

[Cornwallis’s own note]
















[Cornwallis’s own note]

Too affectionate to his children.

[Cornwallis’s own note]




[Cornwallis’s own note]


[Cornwallis’s own note]


[Cornwallis’s own note]

Giuen too much to peace.

[Cornwallis’s own note]

















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































[1] Typo for “pulling”.

[2] Typo for “abditus”.