THey that haue bleſſed their time with drawing into their owne bo- ſomes the conſideration of the world and her mutabilities; and kept them there , to ſtrenghten their reaſon againſt the vanity & waywardneſſe of their affections and paſſions, know already,I may offend opinion,but not truth, vndertaking as impertinent a worke, as he that intended to prayſe Hercules : to theſe I addreſſe not my ſelf,vnleſſe they wil pleaſe to perfect me,ſince I cannot them. But to thoſe I am directed, that ei- ther the ſmyles of Fortune haue depriued of the true knowledge of the condition of man , or youth hath not yet ripened ; or ſuch vulgar and earthly crea- tures, whoſe iudgement dazeled with beholding the outward ſplendor of Fortunes Minions (the miſera- bleſt of all) cannot or will not ſee with what terrible cares and diſcontentments, the purple robe is lined. I know, but feare not, the danger of cheriſhing and defending ſo vnwelcome a gueſt as ſadneſſe; ſo ſhunned, ſo abhorred: For ſince I am well aſſured, || B<r>
they haue condemned rather her countenance,then her ſelfe : and that both her Iudge, Iury, and hang- man, hath bin that aerie monſter Opinion; that ta- keth all vpon truſt, and anſwers nothing with rea- ſon; I was the rather inclyned to be her friend, be- cauſe opinion was her enemy; the firſt proofe of her goodnes, ſince ſhe is hated, by ſo falſe and obſtinate an enemy to wiſdome and Iudgement. Firſt then, becauſe our humane weakneſſe, and chiefely thoſe that I deſire to inſtruct, vnderſtand beſt by contraryes; as health is beſt knowne by ſickneſſe, plenty by want, it is fit I ſhew them what mirth is made of : and ouer what a troupe ſhe com- mands ; that beholding her , and her band diſrobed and anatomized, wearie and aſhamed of the ſight, they may by putting off their preiudicat obſtinacies, be made firſt hearers, and conſequently obeyors, of a worthier conductor. That mirth is a naturall quality of mans, I deny not, but withall, I think it one of thoſe that he hath little cause to boaſt of; it is true that he makes mirth and ſadneſſe the ballance of his affections and paſ- ſions, and is wayed by them : thus hee accounts his winnings and loſings, and the ſame is expreſſed in ſadneſſe or mirth : but whether moſt of theſe ſup- poſed winners, are not rather betrayed, then ſuppor- ted ; looſened , diſordered , and corrupted ; then ſtrengthned, grounded, & inſtructed, I think there is no man that hath well obſerued himſelfe, and his paſſages conſiderately, but will affirme. Who can doubt of this, that knowes the ſlightnes of her compoſition? children make her of babies, and hobby-horſes : yong men of ſports, hawkes, horſes, || <Bv>
dogs, or worſe : old men of riches, Stateſmen of a- dorers, honour, and aduancement; Women of gay clothes, many louers, and flattering glaſſes : it is one God they adore, though worſhipped in ſeuerall ſhapes : and though the difference amongſt them makes them deſpiſers of one anothers choice; yet to the vnintereſſed beholder, they play al at one game, though not all for one ſumme. Et quae veneraris et quae deſpicis, vnus exaequabit cinis. Wee haue touched the ayme, and end : Let vs now ſee the purſuers and adorers of mirth; and they that make her the goddeſſe of their actions, a people either ſo light and imperciptible , as nothing can come beyond their ſenſes : or ſo opinionatiue and obſtinate, or rather ſo drunke with pleaſure, as they will not knowe, what they may and muſt: or a third ſort, that clap myrth between them and their con- ſciences for feare of corraſiues, that keepe her vp like a ball, and run after her, to bee the further off from themſelues, who might know, though Vinum, cantus, ſomnus, commotiunculas illas primas, non raro ſanarunt irae doloris, amoris at nunquam agritudinem, quae radices egit et fixit pedem, to caracterize theſe further then in generality, were needleſſe: for what ſhall the picture need, where the originall is ſo com- mon? with what other brothell-houſes, and Tauerns ſtuffed? Voluptas, humile, ſeruile, imbecillem, caducam; cuius Statio et formices[1] et popinae ſunt, what are the inhabitants of theaters,meetings, feaſts, try- umphes, but ſuch as either acknowledge no God ſo willingly as Mirth and Pleaſure ; or ſuch as dare not come home into themſelues, for feare of their er- rors and miſcarriage? || B2<r>
In the meane time, O poore reaſon, at how baſe a price are thou ſold? Or art thou but a name with- out an eſſence? Or a broken Reed that the will of man dares not ſtay it ſelfe vpon, for feare of falling? Or els what a blue-eyed choyſe is theirs, that for the moſt idle, momentary, and ſicke effects of mirth, and pleaſure, impawne not onely their time, (which is vnredeemeable) but themſelues, which they thinke too well ſold to repurchaſe. But now it is fit I haſten to them, who ſeeke not mirth, but are ſought of her : for ſuch is the luſt of Fortunes benefits, as whileſt the body feeleth her ſelfe able to purchaſe her deſires, and to gorge her ſenſes,ſhe abandons herſelfe to all ſenſualities, and reioyceth in her owne fulneſſe : to you then, vpon whom none but fayre winds haue euer blowne in this careire of your ſuppoſed happineſſe : can you ſee for all your high and ouertopping places, your end and reſting place? Or are you not rather the arrowes of the Omnipotent arme, that are yet flying, not at yours, but as his marke : and are no more owners of your owne beginnings ? In the meane time effeminated with your proſperity, and as it were ſtill ſucking vpon the breſt of Fortune, if ſhe turnes her backe and retires, how miſerable doth ſhee leaue you? Still bleating after the teat, and like thoſe nice creatures, that become tame with taking their bread from others hands, vnable to ad- miniſter to your ſelues the leaſt helpe or comfort. Wee doe ſee that Nature and all her producti- ons ſupport them and her ſelfe by inceſſant chan- ges, and reuolutions; generation and corruption || <B2v>
being to the earth like riuers to the ſea, in a reſtleſſe current, and perpetuall progreſſe : doe wee ſee the flouriſhing and falling, not only of Kings and Prin- ces; but of Kingdomes and Commonwealths, Cit- ties, Trophies, and whatſoeuer the vaine imagina- tion of man hath contriued for the ouercomming of time? and can we vpon ſome ſmall remnant of Fortunes bounty, thinke to eſtabliſh a perpetuity of mirth and pleaſure? No, no, he that takes not this time to prouide for a world, and in the midſt of his pleaſures doth not thinke how fraile and tranſitory they are, will pay dearely for his iollity; when ſur- priſed by death, or ſome diſaſter, they leaue him in an inſtant, ſo much more miſerable then others; as he hath depended vpon ſuch vncertainties : without which, his life is moſt lothſome vnto him, and with which, death moſt fearefull and abhorred. But to what end is all this tendred to the adorers and louers of mirth? Their heads and hearts are all ready filled with their own delights : which muſt be conſumed by affliction,before the precious balm of Sadneſſe can either enter or worke. Fabius ſaid, he feared more Minutius victories thē ouerthrows: which may be rightly applied to the generall diſpo- ſition of man, his ſucceſſes infecting him with an ignorant confidence, intoxicating his reaſon with preſumption and oſtentation, which are ſuch dayly effects of worldly proſperities, as they that thinke themſelues Lords, are often the vnworthieſt ſort of ſlaues: and their opinionatiue happineſſe, the moſt wretched miſery: not vnlike the madde Athenian, that imaagined himſelf poſſeſſed of al, whē indeed he was true honor but of his own diſtemper & lunacy. || B3<r>
To young men there belongs more pitty, aſwell becauſe nature hath her hand in this their thirſt of pleaſure : they beeing yet by the heate of bloud, and the quickneſſe of their ſpirits, and the ſtrength of their ſenſes, iolly and gameſome : as alſo that it muſt be time, and the wounds and skars, gotten by their wretched careleſneſſe, that muſt make them capable of aduice: ſince(as Plutarch ſayth) their hea- dy paſſions and pleaſures ſet ouer them, more cruell and tyrannous Gouernours, then thoſe that had the charge of their minorities: now who is it that lea- deth this diſtracted dance, of youth, but mirth? for whoſe ſake and pleaſures they are inſeparable com- panions: what is irregular, indiſcreet, vnlawfull, diſhoneſt; nay, what lawes, either of mans natures, or Gods, are in theſe apprehenſions, ſtrong enough to containe them within their bounds ? Galba in his adoption of Piſo, amongſt his other prayſes ſayth; you whoſe youth hath needed no excuſe: a commen- dation ſo rare and glorious , as there needed no more to illuſtrate his name and fame to all poſterity; for who els, vnleſſe fettered and chained with nature or fortune, but in their firſt wearing the freſh gar- ment of youth, haue not ſoyled and ſpotted it; as their whole life after (though painefully and indu- ſtriouſly directed)hath not bin able to wipe out their faults, and refreſh the gloſe of their reputation? hence it is, that Delicta iuuentutis mea & ignorantias meas ne memineris Domine, is taught by all, and vſed by all; ſo ineuitable a diſeaſe is youth: of which we need no witneſſe, ſince euery mans conſcience doth iuſtifie it; the generality and antiquity, hauing made it veniall: and by conſent, we bind none from theſe || <B3v>
ſlips and ſtumbles, but old men and women : the reſt paſſe the muſters ſo farre from checking, as they produce many of their follies as the markes of ſpirit, and generoſity: and by their will would make of an old vice, a young vertue : who can hope now to deliuer this flouriſhing ſeaſon of youth, from theſe Caterpillers? ſince mirth and pleaſure allures; opini- on animates; and community hides them from the ſight of themſelues and actions : this it is that makes nothing more currannt, then to pay one ano- ther with our faults, and no man truſts ſo much to his owne vertue, as to his neighbours or Compani- ons vices ; wee repoſe our ſelues in the defect of o- thers, and no man ſtriues further, then to be compa- ratiuely good: we aduance our ſelues vpon ruins, and thinke our ſelues well, becauſe another is worſe : O lame ſhift! O drunken remedie! I will then ſay but this, to thoſe young men that will heare me, Since you know not the way to true happineſſe and con- tentment;ask not of them that are yet in the race;but of them that haue paſſed it: propoſe vnto your ſelues ſome patterne to imitate, (niſi ad regulam prauam[2] non corrigas) and to ſtrengthen your iudgements, be- hold thoſe that haue already acted their parts: take one of theſe admirers of mirth and pleaſure ; and an other that hath euer made his reaſon the taſter of all his actions: and compare theſe together, and then chuſe which of them you would be : there cannot thus farre off bee ſo corrupted a iudgement, as not to know the beſt; the difference is then a little time, & hoc quod ſenectus vocatur, pauci ſunt circuitus amorū[3]: Behold then the match , for a few yeeres to boote, this vicious hatefull perſon is taken, that deuoured || <B4r>
his owne honour and reputation : and with his plea- ſure ſwallowed euen his very ſoule, and that liues now but in his infamy : rather then that well ordered ſpirit , that hath left a true and perfect circle of a diſ- creet gouern’d life and death, and left the world heire of many rich and worthy examples : who in this conſideration, but muſt crie out with the Pſal- miſt, O what is man, that thou art ſo mindfull of him, &c? or why hauing taken our iudgements thus hal- ting, ſhould wee reply vpon in? carrying vs through the world ; that in our entrance hath thus ſtumbled and fallen : he hath then the firſt ſigne of recouerie, that in this his beginning miſtruſts his owne wayes; and dares offer his wounds to the Surgeon : it is an incurable ignorance, that dares not put it ſelfe to mending. Plato would haue offenders repaire to the Iudge and Magiſtrate, as to the Phyſicions of the ſoule, and ſubmit themſelues to puniſhment, as to the medicine of recouery : but this was too high an imagination for practiſe ; yet thus farre we may goe, and vpon the ground ; and not in the ayre : hauing, vpon a due examination, found it fit to miſtruſt our ſelues, it followes euen in common reaſon , not to throw our ſelues raſhly into any action : but to aſſiſt our weakneſſe with gaining conſideration time : this diſarms our paſſions of their violence, for their moti- on being out of heat, and neuer going but running, being once ſtayed, and ouertaken by reaſon, they af- ter willingly ſubmit themſelues vnto her and are eaſily managed: It is an axiome in Philoſophy, that our firſt motions are not in our owne power: which is true no longer then we liſt : for he that will not im- barke himſelfe, without a pauſe and deliberation, || <B4v>
diſſolues the Acrimony of his affections; and makes them of the cruelleſt Tyrants the moſt profitable ſer- uants. It is true, our ignorance and ſloth make eue- ry thing terrible vnto vs : and we wil not because we dare not , and dare not becauſe we will not: this makes vs ſubmit our ſelues to any thing that doth ei- ther flatter or threaten vs:and like ſome ſottiſh weak- lings, that giue the reines of their gouernment, into the hands of their wiues or ſeruants ; thinking then they buy their peace, when they ſell it : thus do they grow vpon vs, and by compoſition, not force, be- come maſters of the place; being iuſt ſo ſtrong as we are weake. The ſcouts of Antigonus relating vn- to him the multitude of his enemies, and aduiſing by way of information the danger of a conflict, that ſhould be vndertaken with ſo great an vnequality:he replied, And at how many do you valew me? In this ciuill wars of our ſelues the firſt diſorder and conſe- quently our ouerthrow proceeds frō a falſe valuation of our owne ſtrength: we are content to imbrace our owne true naturall worth , ſo wee may haue leaue to yeeld our ſelues to ſome furious paſſion or ſoothing affection: but would we now take a true knowledge of our owne valew , we might eaſily redeeme our ſelues : God and nature haue not dealt ſo tyrannical- ly with man, as to giue him charge of that he cannot hold: if we loſe the game it muſt be by play : where- fore ſince we are likely to bee beſieged by the world, and her allurements ; leſt famine or treaſon ſur- priſe , let vs turne out of the walls, all vnprofitable pleaſures; and knowe betimes that mirth becom- meth neither the fortune, nor condition of man: ſo is hee enuironed with dangers, and ſo ſubiect || C<r>
to intrappings, omnis vita ſupplicium eſt, there is no day, houre, or moment, that brings a certaine ceſſa- tion of armes : but to the contrary, our life is a conti- nuall war-fare, repreſenting vnto vs inceſſant dan- gers and perils: wherefore wee muſt alwayes ſtand vpon our guard, and keep a ſtraigth watch vpon our ſelues ; not only examining the humors that goe in and out, their arrants, and pretences: but euen euery motion and thought; for of ſo many different pieces is the little world of man compounded:ſo ſtirring,ſo infatigable, ſo full of changes and counter-changes, ſo ſodainely eleuated , as ſoone defected : and in a word,ſuch a compoſition of contrarieties; as he that doth not continually obſerue himſelfe , and ſteddily fixe his eyes vpon all his actions; shall ſodainely grow a ſtranger to himſelfe, and be vtterly ignorant of his owne proceedings : if this then be a time for mirth, we may eaſily imagine; who doth not alone call all the parts and faculties of man from their du- ties and charge , to feaſt and glut themſelues with ſenſualities; but returneth them ſo corrupt and de- baunched , as like Hannibals army, after their winte- ring in Campania, they cannot bee knowne for the ſame men ; ſo haue they melted their courages with delicacie, and with ryot made themſelues impatient, and almoſt incapable of diſcipline. To conclude, ſuch is the weakneſſe of man, and ſo ſtrong are his bodily inclinations,as if he doth not diuert or breake the force of his affections, reaſon alone is not able to reſiſt them : wherefore as Plato allowed old men, mirth and wine, to reuiue nature almoſt tyred in her long iourney, and to refreſh their ſpirits benum- med with the coldneſſe of their dwelling:by the ſame || <Cv>
reaſon, it is forbidden youth , whoſe bloud being now at the hotteſt, by the leaſt addition, or increaſe, falls into the diſeaſes of exceſſe, the moſt violent and vnreſiſtable extremes : wee ſee then it is preſcri- bed but for a medicine, and by the difference of the conſtitutions of young men and old, then dangerous for the other: howſoeuer ſince it is preſcribed medicinably, the too frequent vſe, muſt either deſtroy the operati- on, or leaue onely the malignant quality aliue and vncorrected, vnto thoſe whom the out-ſide of For- tune dazels and allures, there is nothing to be ſayd by way of aduice ; being ſuch, as neither nature, nor education hath fauored , but are left to act the baſe and illiberal parts vpon this ſtage of the world: this is the multitude, the vulgar, the people that are bought and ſold, and reckoned by the hundred and the thouſand, and beare no price ſingle and alone; a madneſſe it were then, to thinke to moue and con- uert them together, when our Sauior that fedde 5000. of them, and as many heard him , could nei- ther with the admirableneſſe of his miracles, nor the excellency of his doctrine preuaile with them all, and returne them all beleeuers : this were ſufficient to deterre mee euen from but touching vpon this quick-ſand , were they not the harbour of opinion, where ſhee is ſtill reſcued from the louers of truth: neither is it impoſſible that ſome,yet of her and their party,vpon a truer information may forſake and bee aſhamed of their ſtation,or to be a piece of the body of this great Beaſt. There is nothing can enter into conſideration more ſtrange and improbable , then to ſee euen the || C2<r>
moſt actiue and vnderſtanding ſpirits, to refer them- ſelues and their proceedings to the multitude , to eſteeme themſelues at their price, exceeds their me- mories and powers of ſatisfaction. The young man that thought to eſcape the being ſeene in a Tauerne, with retiring further into it , was iuſtly reprehended for going further in : but ſuch is the nature of vice, it hath an alluring looke,and a detayning tayle,our de- ſires firſt allure vs to things vnlawfull, and when we are there, our feare bars vs in ; but if euery man knew how much more right he might haue from his owne tribunall, if he will freely and ſincerely giue his reaſon her owne power, and how iuſtly an vnabu- ſed conſcience will proceed, and how ſweetly and ſecurely he ſleeps, that hath receiued from them his quictus eſt, he would for euer diſclaime the cenſure of opinion; and with Phocion miſtruſt himſelfe, becauſe the people prayſed him : erubuit quaſi peccaſſet quod placuerit : and as the Prince of morality aduiſeth, Non reſpuit quid homines turpe iudicent aut miſerum, nor it, qua populus ; ſed vt ſcidera[4] contrarium mundo i- ter intendunt, it a hic aduerſus opinionem omnium radit[5]: but thus far had I gone out of the way,had I not pur- ſued opinion. To come now neere our purpoſe, in examinati- ons,circumſtances are not neglected,if they any way conduce to the end of our inquiry : thus Iudges and Magiſtrates make their vſes & aduantages of names, and countenances, though it be impoſſible to make either ſo much as acceſſary : firſt then we finde, that Sadneſſe hath euer beene receiued as a witneſſe of truth; as In Sadneβe amongſt honeſt men, is taken for an infallible aſſeueration : whereas mirth hath ſo || <C2v>
little credit , as when raſhneſſe or falſenesse hath made an eſcape, by the tongue,the refuge is to lay it to mirths charge : who as a licenſed Buffone, hath often leaue to paſſe the bounds of modeſty & truth: againe, mirth is ſo like drunkenneſſe, that they are at this day, but as two names of one thing, and mer- ry, meanes drunke, and drunke merry : whereas ſo- ber expreſſeth a discreet temper, to rayſe and deiect themſelues at the pleaſure of their breathes , to take warrant from their countenances : and in a word, to liue and dye at their appointments : when ſingle, they ſcorne and deſpiſe them, and thinke euen their beſt thoughts ſcarce worthy of their foot-boy , yet the patterne and piece differeth not; and any one as farre as ſufficiency expreſſeth the whole, as Phyſi- cions ſay of the diſeaſes of the body that are, and the ſame may come from different cauſes : ſo this of the mind, which proceedeth either from the laying their ambitious hopes vpon popularity , or ſuch as guilty of their owne intentions, dare not put them- ſelues vp on the tryall of their conſciences. A third ſort there are , that feede, and cloath, and talke, aud walke, and haue deliuered themſelues and their behauiour to bee brought vp by Opinion; theſe ſince they cannot be ſeparated from the multi- tude, neither can be, nor are worth the ſingling : for thoſe that Ambition hath perſwaded to this popular folly, they are worthy to bee deceiued : and were it not, that in all inordinate deſires reaſon is firſt van- quiſhed, they could not but know; this beaſt is tame but in fayre weather; they loue that part of you which they vnderſtand, which is your fortune, loue and friendſhippe begins in the ſoule,and ends in the || C3<r>
body : and theirs begin in the body and ends in the fortune:the two lignaments that tie the men to a iuſt- neſſe and decorum in all their actions , are wit and honeſty;which they being defectiue in, can no more loue truely; then hee can ſpeake that is borne dumbe. Wherefore further then commiſeration, and the common duties of humanity, it is a madneſſe to be popular : for as they ſay , the chieſe ſtrength of the Lyon lieth in his tayle , ſo theirs in their mouthes; which as it deuoures all you giue, ſo they goe no fur- ther to pay for all they take.It is true, Vbicunque homo eſt,ibt beneficio locus ect:[6]this farre charity commands, and further is ridiculous, or dangerous, or both : in Princes vnto whom they belong as a charge , and who hath power to make them feare, if they will not loue,popularity is no vice, but part of vſe, and as dangerous for them to neglect, as for a priuate man and a ſubiect to follow and affect. We haue nothing more common and in practice amongſt decayed beauties , banquerouted by time or accidents, then to hide it from others eyes with art, and from their owne with falſe glaſſes : no other- wiſe is it with them, that from the reflection of opini- on behold the ſtate and condition of their minds; ſurely hee is afraid to heare truth, that dares not in- quire of himſelfe : it is againſt our wils,if we tranſport to forraine eyes,or eares,any wares that are not ſub- ſtantiall, or at leaſt formall : they are in the darke,and viſible but to our ſelues, that are fit for reformation : and as we know beſt their begettings and births , ſo are they the naturall ſubiects for our owne con- ſciences to worke vpon : it is long ſince receiued, that in one, and the ſelfe ſame man, there may be good || <C3v>
man, and an ill Citizen ; men and lawes take know- ledge of vice , no farther then their owne intereſt : diſeaſes that threaten but one, are oppoſed but by one, they are contagious and infectious, that are re- ſiſted by a generality. They then that goe to opinion, to knowe the temper and diſpoſition of their minds, go to the market, rather to ſell then to buy : and loue better to paint the walles and outſides of themſelues, then to rectifie and repaire their inward errors and defects : but farre worſe it is with them that dare not to come to tryall, where their facts and actions are knowne, which is at home : is not this like children, which ſhunning the reprehenſion and chaſtiſements of one fault, multiply it to many ? Or like the careleſſe debtor , that ſuffers the intereſt to outgrow the principall? How truely doth this proue the cowardiſe of vice, or rather the ſottiſhneſſe,ſince he conſiders not, that as faſt as hee runs from feare, the ſame haſte he makes to deſpensation, where they ineuitably end , that neuer reckon with themſelues, till the ſumme vnimpeached by drinke or any other exceſſe? For the continuance, what men carry more miſ- truſt before them, then thoſe, that haue worne out the ſobrietie of an honeſt looke, with a continuall girning or laughing? a marke of natures, ſo ſeldome failing,as it is in euery obſeruatiō held, for an irreco- uerable defect either of wit or honeſtie:of ſuch ſtuffe are commonly flatterers,time-pleaſers, & faunguiſts made : people ſo obnoxious to vertue and worth, as were it not that they breed & liue only vpon the luſt of Fortune, it were impoſſible to keepe them from a generall extirpation. For it is they that haue berea- || <C4r>
ued greatneſſe and riches of innocency, and made it of a dead and indifferent inſtrument in the power of the diſpoſer, to haue hatched more monſters then all the broode of vices beſides : and in a word haue been the viſableſt and chiefeſt procurers of the hea- uy ſentence of our Sauiour againſt rich men ; that it is eaſier for a Camell to paſſe throught a needles eye, then for a rich man to enter into the kingdome of heauen. In the contemplating Sadneſſe, and mirth, mee thinks, I ſee the true formes of the two Ladies that offered themſelues to Hercules, at his entrance into the way of the world, Vertue, and Pleaſure, the firſt with a ſettled compoſed countenance (not vnlike the South ſea) full of peace, certainty, and truth : no o- uerruling paſſion diſordering or raiſing the leaſt bil- low,or moouing the ſmalleſt breath of perturbation: the other like a ſhop that ſets out the beſt wares to the view, and offers many pleaſing morſels to the ſenſes, and at the firſt ſeemes to reſemble bounty it ſelfe in freeneſſe and ſweetneſſe ; but, alas, ſhe is too ſoone wonne to be conſtant, ſhee brings not in your reckoning,til you haue conſumed what ſhe ſet before you,and then you ſhal know they are too deare,when it is too late to refuſe them : her ſmiles and allure- ments, are like the ſun-ſhine daies of winter, ſtorm- breeders : her cleereneſſe, warmth, and calmeneſſe, produce euer cloudes and tempeſts ; repentance , griefes and anxieties of the ſoule; and as Phiſicians hold, a continuall requiring ſtomake an infallible Symptomie of a corrupt and diſeaſed body:ſo may be ſaid of the louers of Mirth, that paſſe from one plea- ſure to another, and dare not let their braines ſettle, || <C4v>
leſt they ſhould ſee their owne deformities , their corrupted manners and the leproſie of their minds. Hitherto Sadneſſe hath gotten but a preemi- nence, and hath but prooued her ſelfe better then a worſe; not approoued her owne goodneſſe : it is now time, to diſplay her in her owne excellency, not ſuch a one as reuerts all things vpon it ſelfe, and re- gards no quality that returnes not laden with profit ; but ſuch a communatiue goodneſſe, as growes not poore by imparting; but redoubles it owne ſtrenght, riches, and ſplendor, with lending, aſſiſting and diui- ding it influence on others : but before I offer her, and her qualities to the view, it is neceſſary I deci- pher her : Philopamen,[7] for want of an interpretor, was ſet to cleaue wood by his hoſteſſe, for his owne entertainment: the eye is a nice,buſie & vndertaking ſence, if reaſon or iudgement prepare not her way. I meane not then, vnder the name of Sadneſſe, to defend effeminate bewailings and lamentations; let them a gods-name , that ſubiect to the Lycian law; that bound theſe kind of lamentors to be arraied like women; nor am I an approuer, of a ridgid, ſowre, moroſe auſterity,ſince it is ſeldom other then the vi- ſard of enuy,or vain-glory:ſuch were Nero his Philo- ſophers, nec deerant qui voce vultug triſti inter ob- lectamenta Regia ſpectari cuperent : neyther is it a ſmall motiue to their condemnation , that the no- uice and inquirer after vertue is deterred , to ſee her diſciples ſo ouer-clowded and drowned in heauines: rather like the followers of a Funerall, then her mi- nions and beloued, whoſe power and bounty doth not alone extend it ſelfe vnto all deſeruers, but || D<r>
makes all liues , fortunes , and accidents, not alone tolerable and to bee indured;but ſweet , wholſome, eaſie and oft times glorious, and exemplare : neither will I prayſe a ſorrow, that as Pythagoras ſayth, eates his owne heart; that abandons the rudder in a ſtorm, and dares not liue for feare of dying. Wiſe men know, it is the condition of humanity to be toſſed with contrary winds, and thoſe are the ſeaſons of diſtinction between wiſe men and fooles: euery man lookes gayly in a holiday fortune, but to be baſely ſet by, and to ſhine through an obſcure for- tune , illuſtrates the riches and pretiouſneſſe of the mind: man hath not the throwing of the dice, but the playing of the caſt : he is Lord ouer his intenti- ons, the other part reacheth vp to heauen : where ſucceſſes and effects are deliuered backe, not accor- ding to the appetite of man, but the inſcrutable wiſ- dome of God , and vpon that wee ought to reſt our ſelues, not onely with patience, but with comfort; that the onely fountaine of knowledge hath taken it into his owne hands, of whoſe better diſpoſing, it were the greateſt impiety and infidelity to make the leaſt doubt or queſtion : but it is ſadneſſe that pre- pares vs for the actiong of this and the reſt of our life truely ; and as we ought : who muſt not be vnder- ſtood to be of the diſcent of Niobe , ſtill labouring in teares and exclamations : not a vaine-glorious or enuious Philoſopher, that bigge with his owne pro- feſſiion,[8] labours to proclaime it in his lookes : nor a ſilent fretting ſorrow, that will needs marry his affli- ctions : but Sadneſſe whoſe portracture I would pre- ſent from the generall ſtate and nature of man , hath drawne her ſelfe into an habite or poſture ; in ſome || <Dv>
places fit to reſiſt the incurſions of her enemies : in others to diuert them, and ſometimes like a wiſe Conquerour ; making of the cruelleſt foes; aſ- ſured friends or louing ſubiects : her outſide is ſober, calme, conſtant, modeſt,and for the moſt part ſilent; her inſide full of peace, induſtry and reſolution. To reduce theſe into a ſhorter and ſounder way, what knowledge, art, or ſcience is there, more neceſ- ſary and important, then that which is wholly deuo- ted to the ordering of our life? this doth Sadneſſe moſt aptly and effectually : firſt inſtructing, then ad- orning, and laſtly, gouerning the life of man, with ſo much tranquillity, certaintly, and happineſſe, as if we will truſt either reaſon or example , we ſhall find no liues to carry ſo continual a contentment as theſe: nor none ſo often, and ſo continually miſcarry as the contrary. Since then in theſe are comprehended the whole courſe of mans life, we will draw the picture of Sad- neſſe within this compaſſe : ſo ſhall I not prayſe her more then profit my Reader : or if I faile, an vnskil- full Painter may ſpoyle a picture , but nor a face ; which a worthier vndertaking , may purchaſe glory, by the ſpoyles of my imperfections: ſince it is not then with man, as with other creatures,that are in- dowed with the greateſt part of their vnderſtanding, at the very entrance into the World, which being bounded and limired within a ſelfe preſeruation, ex- tends no further then to a preſent conſideration of them and theirs : as it is a naturall propertie infuſed rather into their being , then into them ; & rather to the profit of nature , and her conſeruation, then for their particular benefit: as at the firſt it is ſtraight,and || D2<r>
narrow, ſo time ripens it not, nor dilates it: farre o- therwiſe it is with man , whoſe reaſon growes with him, and whoſe iudgement(as not compatible with his youth ) is deliuered vnto him when he comes to age : at leaſt his minority is but the ſeed-time : in his Autumne comes his harueſt, that is the time of his inſtruction ; this of vſe. Now, whether it be from the pride of man, that loues not to looke ſo low as his infancy , or the con- tempt he hath no impart his time to a poore lumpe of fleſh, or that ſince Nature hath forced him vpon women, he thinks to turne the imperfections of time vpon the imperfections of Nature, and that they are fitteſt to breed & hatch their puling wayward weak- neſſes:whether from one, or from all,or from ſome more hidden cauſe : certaine it is, that to the moſt men in particular,& to the common-wealth in gene- rall,there ariſeth great loſſe, by ſacrificing theſe their firſt yeeres,vnto their tuitions: from hence it comes, that when Poets would ſet vp a marke for imitation, they durſt neuer truſt a woman, ſo much as with their nurſing;but borrowed of their imagination , either a Goddeſſe or a Nymph,or rather then faile,a meaner creature. Some Philoſophers would allow them, no more intereſt in our conception,then to receiue che- riſh, foſter, and re-deliuer vs : but alas,the large por- tion of the imperfections that we inherit from them, aſſures vs the contrary : but ſince it is ſo much ; as time, reaſon, inſtruction, and whatſoeuer the wit of man can apply, can neuer vtterly expell; hardly cor- rect, or temper : what a ſtupid careleſneſſe , raignes ouer the world, to increaſe our defects, by inlarging their time of gouernment. || <D2v>
But neither to offend them , nor ſtay further from my ſubiect ; their diſpoſitios will not take the rich colour of Sadneβe, which euer yeeldes that tranquil- lity & ſettledneſſe of mind,that can propoſe the end, and proſecute the way , without diuerſion, or error : at leaſt , without thoſe that diſioyne our intentions; and ouerthrow our purpoſes:whereas(the very ſprings of paſſionſs & affections) take & change their forms, at the pleaſure of euery repreſentation , not vpon a deliberated iudgement; but according to the con- ſultation and concluſions of their ſences. Thus when we may ſee the power of Sadneβe, for inſtruction ; ſince they that want it, are not to be tru- ſted with education,yet not to leaue enemies behind vs,though I wiſh we might obſerue their order, that ſet wild birds egges, vnder thoſe that are domeſticke and tame , to alter their wild condition into their fo- ſter-mothers more milde and familiar : and ſo could wiſh our dry nurſes were men, & ſuch as could teach them words made of reaſon, as well as winde ; and though there be many ſeuere, (if not malicious) cen- ſures giuen vs,by our forefathers, againſt them in all ages , and by all countries , and by all profeſſions; of which infinit cōcurrence of cenſures , I will giue but one inſtance , nelle coſe di conſiglio in vna donna, e ca- pace di poterlo dare ne meno di pigliarlo per ſe e tanto peggio da tenerlo ſecreto mai; yet doub I not, but they are owners of ſuch perfections,as bounded,and kept in their owne circumference , are of much vſe and pleaſure : and they are to be honoured by vs, no leſſe then our mother earth, from whom wee no ſooner come , but wee ſtriue to returne againe : to con- clude , ſince we cannot be without them , it is great || D3<r>
reaſon,they ſhould be entertained with a due reſpect: which is rather ſweetly,then ſeriouſly : let them haue their owne intereſt religiouſly anſwered ; and for more, ſince it but corrupts them , and ſhackles vs; whatſoeuer old men for their ſakes , will attend their charge, with more circumſpection. If then we deſire to frame a man that ſhall deſerue his being, and to be maſter of himſelfe and time: let vs begin betimes , to ſet ſuch Gouernours ouer him, as may both by their examples, and inſtructi- ons, dayly reflect vpon him, and infuſe into him the grace, and moſt inſtructiue influence of Sadneſſe, for by this meanes hee liues fortified againſt the grand corrupter of youth Pleaſure: and the violent enemy of Age, Griefe. Surely the beame that keeps the co- gitatiōs of man euen,is none other then Sadneſſe:for hee that thinkes to buy his peace with accumulating riches, or to be too ſtrong for fortune, with making himſelfe powerfull , doth but apply an outward me- dicine for an inward diſeaſe : which thought it may ſometimes eaſe , ſeldome cures : but Sadneſſe, that keepes vs at home , daily ſhewes vs the brittle frail- ty of all exterior things (which makes vs like an Ar- my peſtered with too much carriage ,neither fit to fly nor fight) vnites our inward powers, defends our reaſon,from the vapours and miſts of our affections; and ſtanding betweene the extremes of mirth and ſorrow , is the onely perfit moderator of our hu- mane actions. Cato, though he had many learned ſlaues, would not commit the education of his ſon to them, but himſelfe became his inſtructor: which I attribute to no other conſideration,then that he ra- || <D3v>
ther choſe,to frame him to a wel compoſed Sadneβe, then to be excellent in any Art or Profeſſion : vt modeſtior, non vt lepidior fiat, a perfection fitter for a mechanicke earner, then a true owner of himſelfe: ſince it is the forming of the minde, not the tongue or hand, that can preferre vs to true felicity. Now that we may touch as it were with our finger how much Sadneſſe conferres, towards a perfit in- ſtruction; what is more proper and peculiar to the forming and framing of the mind to wiſedome and goodneſſe, then firſt to keepe out vice , and then ſo to worke, prepare, and temper the mind, as it ſhall be alwaies fit to receiue & containe the wholeſome documents of vertue and honeſtie ? Which doth Sadneβe , ſo naturally and effectually, as all other things, that offer themſelues for this vſe, are in com- partiſon, left-handed , and ſtepmothers to educati- on. Firſt then, as one ſayth pretily in his imagined wife, that he would haue her, of a denying behaui- our ; as if a fort acceſſiuely ſcituated, could not bee impregnable, ſince aſſaultable : and as he ſaith there- fore, he comes too neere, that comes to bee denyed, and as Ouid, that great trader into thoſe parts, could neuer find armor of proofe for Chaſtity, but not to be prooued, caſta eſt quam nemo rogauit, ſhe’s chaſte, whom no tongue yet did taſte: ſo doubtleſſe, he ſhall paſſe the narrow way of Vertue, with fewer impedi- ments, that his owner of this ſober preuentiue beha- uiour, then thoſe alluring countenances, which keep open houſe for all commers : one Phyloſopher would haue bolſters made,to ſtop the eares of yong men, from contagious noyſome ſounds ; but he that || <D4r>
hath made Sadneſſ his Porter, ſhall not need them, ſince his very preſence deters and checks their looſe imaginations, and they dare not confeſſe themſelues to him, that hath their condemnation written in his face : hoc ſecum certe tuliβet, neminem coram Catonem peccare. Pedlers open their wares willingeſt to wo- men and children :in a word, as they ſay the Amatiſt preuents drunkenneſſe , ſo is Sadneſſe the preſerua- tiue againſt the entrance of a number of vices. Will wee then frame a man fit to command and obey ? to gouerne others and direct himſelfe ? a man ſo ſquared by the vnfaileable rules of wiſedome and iudgement, as to know how to become all pla- ces, and to vſe all fortunes? Bind his tender youth to a diſpoſition tempered with Sadneſſe : for this man can neither ſeduce his minority with ill examples, nor marre his waxen age,with a falſe impreſſion,too common a condition of theſe diſſolute times: where our children with their milke, and their very firſt words, ſuckc in obſcene ſpeeches, and diſſolute be- hauiour : and imitation, and cuſtome, hath giuen them the very habite of vice, before they haue ei- ther loued, or choſen them. But this falls not out to the pupils that are gouer- ned by men of this carriage: for ſince it is reſolued, that this Sadneſſe is not an accident of their com- plexions,but a gard hammered out of their diſcourſe and the iſſue of a happie matched diſcretion and ex- perience : they doe already ſo well know, that all the allurements of vice offer themſelues, but like play- ers and iugglers, to ſhew you ſport, and to gaine by you: and this word recreation, is but the outſide of times waſtfull and wilfull conſumption :and that not || <D4v>
onely the houres ſo ſpent, are vtterly loſt; but which is ſarre worſe, this continuall excitation of the beſti- all part of man, prouokes his luſtes and ſenſualities vnto an vnquenchable dropſie. Doubtleſſe, as complexions are apter to the in- fection of bodily diſeaſes, one then the other; ſo behauiours to the contagion of the mind : mirth is made of pleaſure, and with pleaſure all vices are bai- ted ; whereas this Sadneſſe is the complexion of a mind that knoweth this, and therefore hates and diſ- daines Mirth: I know experience is the chiefeſt eui- dence, that age can produce to proue their right to wiſedome; but that which makes their iudgements ſtrong inough,to make their experience of more vſe, then a bare tale, is a decay of their ſenſes, growne too weake to trade for themſelues, and the fitter to be ſet to our reaſon to make vp a true harmony of all the parts,to the good and preſeruation of the whole: the ſame effect hath Sadneſſe with young men, that this decay of nature hath with old;for when the con- ſenting part,or will of man, is ſo rectified with a ſad conſideration of the true valew of all that the ſenſes preſent vnto her; well may they long to pleaſe them- ſelues, with their ſeuerall obiects : but when that de- ſire hath no other aduocate but it ſelfe; it ſoone lan- guiſheth and forſaketh it ſuite: Eſchines aduice to an inquirer after the beſt courſe of life, was, to goe to the Church willingly, to the Warres vpon neceſſity, but to Feaſts vpon no tearmes: what was this, but to praiſe the conſeruation of Sadneſſe, which in theſe aſſemblies, is for the moſt part betraied :and in the heat of Wine, meat,and company, melted,into the cuſtomes of diſſolute mirth ? which made the wiſe || E<r>
Romane complaine, that hee neuer came amongſt men, but returned leſſe man, then when hee went out. This made the Phyloſopher that fell a ſleepe at a feaſt, hold his tongue with one hand, and with the other, the part that they ſay women loue beſt, but not to ſpeake of : as the two taps, at which Mirth and Pleaſure are drawne out. But may I not ſeeme to go too much of one hand, when propoſing inſtructions, I incline rather to pre- uentions then additions : ſurely if the nature of man were ſo pure & ſimple,as it had no participation nor cōmixture with contrarieties & repugnances, there were no way but one; and that one direct : but as he is firſt in his maſſe,or corporial ſubſtance,the iſſue or production of the 4 grand Heterogimical bodies, and after by the ſeuerall and moſt differing powers of his reaſon and will, as vnlikc in their likeneſſe and natures, as light and darkeneſſe: there being as much to ſhun, as to follow : I hope I ſhall not erre in my way, if the ſcituation of the end propoſed, drawes me ſometimes about, ſince I vndertake to conduct, not the eye, but the vnderſtanding. Neither will my Reader(I hope) hold himſelfe de- ceiued,if Sadneſſe alone,and by it ſelfe, onely brings not in all the materialls neceſſary to the compoſing of a perfit man, and the framing a happineſſe to the full extent of our earthly condition : for ſuch an ex- tract is not to be drawne, from a knowledge ſo ouer- clowded as mine, let it ſuffice then and it will : (my indifferent Iudge ) that it is of ſo much vſe and im- portance, as though with it onely you cannot make this purchaſe, yet without it, if it be not impoſſible, || <Ev>
yet at leaſt moſt difficult,and withall, that though the ſoule in her reuoluings and trauels, may meet thoſe ſolid conſiderations, that are moſt like her ſelfe, wherein as in a glaſſe ſhe beholds her own beauties: yet are they tranſitory, and but the flaſhes of her a- gitation: the habituall poſſeſſion of the graces of the mind, being to be fixed vpon no body, that Sadneſſe hath not firſt prepared. This made ſo many of the Ancients, and of thoſe moſt memorable, for the ex- cellencies of the minde: ſome to throw away their wealth, others to refuſe riches,the graces of Princes, and the fauour of the people : others pull out their owne eyes,and ſome to abandon the ſociety of man; and euen he that might trulieſt be intituled, Deliciae humani generis, he that had the attribute.to fetch ver- tue from Heauen,and to place her in Cities; to bring her from the paradiſe of the gods, and tranſplant her in the breſts of men : no doubt embraced a wil- full pouerty; nay euen life it ſelfe, which he was of- fered at the eaſieſt rate, he would not yet accept of, as too delicate and nice a thing,for a worthy and he- roicke ſpirit, to make account of. Ifnow wee enter into the conſideration of the motiue that made theſe men ſhun what all the world ſo earneſtly pur- ſue: what could it be but to keepe theſe wants afoot, continually to admoniſh them, of their condition, and to cut off all wayes, by which mirth or pleaſure might make their approches or come to the aſſault. Alexander in the exceſſe of abundance, killed Cly- tus, Fabritius in his pouerty, refuſed the golden bribes of the Samnites; vpon abundance waits mirth and pleaſure, and vpon them all , the leproſies and deformities of our minds. || E2<r>
There is not ſo incorrigible a creature as man in proſperity, nor ſo modeſt and reformed as they that Fortune hath not rockt but wak’t, the conſequence of which being Mirth and Sadneβe : behold them in their operations , and wee muſt reiect the one,as a moſt dangerous poyſon , and imbrace the other , for the moſt precious preſeruatiue. If yet I haue not proued Sadneſſe , inſtruction it ſelfe: yet I hope ſhe doth not look with ſo diſfigured a countenance , as when Opinion paints her: and though I cannot ſay,ſhe is the end of knowledge, yet I may well maintaine her the beginning: ſince it is Sadneſſe onely that prepares the vnderſtanding, and makes euery man , Idoneus auditor , fit to philoſo- phize,and to be diſciples in the ſchoole of Vertue. If now it be determined and truely, that the gra- ces and beauties of the ſoule,ought to haue the place and honour,aboue thoſe of the body: and the ſweet- nes, beauty and louely proportion of the body, to be preferred before the effeminate deckings, that the body doth rather carry then enioy: ſince it often hap- pens, that a foule and deformed carkaſe hath a faire and rich wardrop : and if all theſe in their originall eſtimations, were firſt valued , not for their owne ſakes, but as the Ambaſſadours of thoſe inward qua- lities and excellencies , that ſuch complections, ſhapes, and proportions, inſeparably fore-ſhew: Sadneβe, I doubt not , both for her outward loueli- neſſe, and inward vertue and vſe , will be allowed for an adornement, that doth not alone pleaſe the eye, but the more iudiciall and intellectuall parts. Firſt then, though I am not ignorant , theſe mer- ry companions are the moſt acceptable to the moſt: || <E2v>
yet not alwayes to the beſt, and if they be at times welcome to the vnderſtanding ſort,they are receiued to their tables, not counſells : and vſed rather for ſauce for their meate , then ſeaſoning for their iudgements : and are, as was ſayd of Athens, pla- ces that though many deſired to bee entertayned in, yet few to inhabite : from whence commeth this, but that as they are adorers of mirth , they are ha- ters of all ſadde and ſerious conſiderations x to keepe life in laughter, the whole ſtream xxx their wits is ſpent, vpon the motion of their toxgues : In a word , they ſacrifice their earneſt to xeſt,[9] their friends to their humour, and to preſent ſatisfacti- ons, all the duties of humanity, honeſty, and diſ- cretion : and if ſo; where ſhall we lay hold of them, or to what vſe would they ſerue, but to ſuch a one, as all honeſt natures cannot but ſcorne and diſdaine? vvhereas the ſadde and ſober behauiour makes it one way to allowances, and if it gets not acquain- tances ſo faſt, it winnes friends faſter ; and though perhaps it bee not alwayes ſo readily entertained, yet it is euer more reſpected : and reaſon, ſince the one with his inceſſant motion weares out it ſelfe, loades the eare, and loathes the eye ; whereas the other,in his reſeruedneſſe, maintaines his vnderſtan- ding , in his vnited vigor : and not troubling his braine with his tongue, falls not into the diſaduan- tages of many words : but ſtill holding more in his breſt then vpon his ſhoulders, is ſtrong enough for any aſſault,and prepared to make the beſt vſe of com- pany and conference. Surely,if behauiour be of ſuch eſtimation, as beauty without it is deformed; and deformity with it is louely, and agreeable to al eyes: || E3<r>
if behauiour be the ſoule of the forme,Sadneſſe is the ſoule of the ſoule : for ſuch a compoſed ſettled ſmoothneſſe , as diſtaſtes not to day ; pleaſeth to morrow,and gets by continuance : no faſhion wins ſo vniuerſally and continually, as that which hath re- ceiued the true tincture of Sadneſſe , for it ſuppreſſeth the inconſtancy, and buſie turbulency of the paſſi- ons and affections : it receiues nothing vpon truſt,or at the firſt ſight; and therefore is alwaies one: neither being troubled with the flouds and ebbes of for- tune : the vanity of the world, the ill imployed pow- er of greatneſſe , nor the fluctuary motions of the humerous multitude; or at leaſt, if he be ſenſible of their irregularities and confuſions, yet his thoughts are not written in his face : his countenance is not ſignificant:whereas the face and diſpoſition of mirth euer reſembles his laſt thoughts; and vpon euery touch, or taſte of that which is diſpleaſant, and fol- lowes not the ſtreame of his appetite, it deformes it ſelfe, and like the Moone, is in as many changes, as his fortune : now if the wrangling of children bee troubleſome, the waywardneſſe of men muſt, to a ſtrangcr,be ridiculous; and to the acquaintance odi- ous : and conſequently Sadneβe a goodly ornament, that neither diſpleaſeth others, deformes it ſelfe, nor at any time paſſeth the bounds of iudgement and diſ- cretion; and though he muſt, as he is man, haue many thoughts to repent, yet few actions. Primum argumentum compoſitae mentis existimo, poſſe conſiſtere & ſecum morari, as it is commonly taken for a ſigne of a ſtrong eſtate, and a ſettled diſpoſition, to keepe a certaine houſe, and to loue home : and that ſuch men are the beſt , both comforters and counſellers, || <E3v>
of their meane and needy neighbours : ſo is it, with thoſe minds that retire into their owne meditations, and ſcatter not themſelues vpon the irreſolute and inconſtant inuitations of opinion ; being moſt profi- table in their examples ; and moſt ſound, in their counſels ; outwardly goodly markes of direction, for them that are ignorant in their courſe: and with- in , moſt happy and ſafe harbours and hauens for them, that either by weather, or weakneſſe, or any other,either ſuſpicion or knowledge of impediment, dare not put out into the vaſte and profound muta- bilities and dangers of this Ocean of the World: if now a mole on the cheek be an ornament to beauty; Sadneſſe is the ſame to wit; and if wit,like quickſiluer, bee too nimble for it owne conſeruation , Sadneβe doth more then containe it : for it refines, and fixes it: Iewels and rich apparell adorne the Poſſeſſor,and exact from ſtrange eyes a reuerence and reſpect: Sadneſſe, the graue and euer becomming robe of iudgement, repreſents to all vnderſtandings the ve- nerable account of all ſo adorned : if the all con- cealing apparell of women, that meaſured by their modeſty, leaues nothing for the incurſions, of gree- dy wanton eyes to make ſpoyle of, and doth not on- ly proclaime their ſoules fairer then their bodies, but their bodies fairer then they are: with leauing the face, eye and hand, as a broken ſentence to be per- fected by imagination : Sadneβe doth the ſame ; for the interiour parts doubling and redoubling the per- fections of the mind, in ſuch ſort, that euen fooles that Nature hath euen hidden vnder this behauiour, haue often eſcaped cenſure; and vnder title of a hid- den fellow hath hidden a moſt empty and ſenſeleſſe: || <E4r>
for who can tell the contents of a claſped booke, or inuentory,or a lockt Wardrop? Now as it conceales the foole,it illuſtrates the wiſe man. For as the Sun breaking through a cloude , lets fall the golden treſſes of his beames vpon the gloomy ayery mor- ning, after his abſence , with a much more reſplen- dent maieſtie, then when continually vnmasked, he proſtitutes his beauties vnto euery eye, and makes not onely the Shepheard, but his flocke weary of his company, and ſeeke ſhade and ſhelter to hide them- ſelues from his too faſt fixed ſight: euen ſo the well wayed motions of the ſad behauiour commands at- tention , and the ſtayednes of his carriage prepares a conſent before hearing, as due to him that lets no- thing paſſe without due conſideration. To conclude,if one of the greateſt Philoſophers determined ſilence, a more excellent quality then e- loquence : I haue the ayd of his authority, ſince Sadneβe is the ſeate of ſilence, where ſhee onely re- ſides in ſafety , and where without all noyſe, trouble or tumult, ſhe enioyes the intelligence and contem- plations of the ſoule : which the children of mirth cannot heare; for their owne noyſe : nor taſte, their mouthes are ſo furd with bodily pleaſures. And now I will appeale to the eye, if theſe lignia- ments and features of Sadneβe be not more goodly and becomming then thoſe of mirth: ſurely if they be not more delightfull,they are more contenting: the difference of which, I refer to the Iudiciall,and to thoſe that valew things by their neereneſſe , and reſemblance of thoſe of Heauen. Laſtly,for gouernment, though the world be not made of Attomes, yet the body of mans reputation, || <E4v>
is the concurrence of his ſpeeches, actions and paſ- ſions : which ought to aduiſe all men,not to neglect the leaſt motion, either of mind or body : leſt it fa- ſtens a deformity vpon all : ſhall we expect this from mirth ? it were in vaine,and to preſcribe it, were loſt labour; it is compoſed wholly of contrarieties: for take a quantity of idle breath , ſublimated into a ieſt, a proportion of laughter , ſome mimicke trickes, ei- ther of the face or the body, and boyle them ſo tho- rowly in wine, that you cannot know one from ano- ther,and you haue the moſt receiued receit of mirth: but who will vndertake to giue aſſurance,that this in- ſpired crue, ſhall not violate the dignity of men: and ſo gouerne themſelues,that ſhame and deriſion ſhall not haue more right to them , then they to them- ſelues ? Vliβes dranke of Circes cuppe, and was not tranſ- formed : the morall is , a wiſe man may waſh his mouth, but not quench his thirſt, with pleaſure : for, he that aymes onely at mirth and pleaſure , hits ſor- row and repentance; as well becauſe it makes him raſh and inconſiderate in his courſes, when to buy mirth, he ſells all the reſpects and duties that hee owes to ineſtimable vertue , and his owne preſerua- tion : as that it being to the mind, as a ſtoaue to the body, that ſo opens the pores, as the leaſt ayre giues a blow to the health, ſo the leaſt aduerſity or frowne of fortune,deiects their minds,and layes them open, either to a rauening fury, or a baſe bewayling: wher- fore he that will not ſeale the worſt of ſorrow, let him beware of deuoting himſelfe to mirth, for they only feele the water intolerable cold , that goe into it ex- traordinary hot. The Philoſophers that impoſed ſi- || F<r>
lence vpon their Schollers for their firſt inſtruction, could intend nothing elſe, but the ſettling and com- poſing the mind : from whence ariſeth that habite of Sadneſſe , that gaue them power of themſelues; and withall of all things that came within the bounds of their knowledge : if not to gaine by, yet not to loſe. To what end ſhould I produce the witneſſe of ma- ny famous ancients,from whome ſcarce a ſmile was euer drawne, and yet were ſuch, as neuer loſt oppur- tunity ; that preſented it ſelfe,to do others good, or themſelues right : nor euer loſt that power , force, and tranquillity of their owne minds, in any of For- tunes tranſmutations, that is wont ſo to ouercome the reaſon of men,as like tranſformed creatures,there can bee nothing more different then them to them- ſelues ? Neither will I authorize my opinion,by the example of our bleſſed Sauiour, who was neuer ſeene to laugh : nor Salomons ſacred counſell, that it was better to go to the houſe of mourning, then mirth, leſt the worldly man, that makes prouiſion only for the building of his Babel, caſt me off as an vnſea- ſonable and impertinent counſellor : though it ſhal then ( gentle Reader) inſenſibly, and without thy trouble prepare thee for the beſt worke of thy life, which is the life eternall : yet whileſt thou wilt be at- tentiue to thy temporall imployments, it is alſo of moſt effectuall importance. Deſireſt thou to be reputed wiſe ? It is her viſibleſt forme; not to bee importuned with vaine and idle cōpany? they feare Sadnes too much to follow thee. To bee the ſafe Cabinet of thy owne and thy friends ſecrets ? Sadneſſe is the parent of ſilence, ſi- lence of ſecrecy. || <Fv>
To be temperate? where Sadneβe is Porter , few vaine deſires are admitted. Not to bee precipitate in thy actions ? Where Sadneſſe keepes the liſts of conſideration , alwaies cleere and free , from the intruſions of paſſion, the ſoule cannot but gouerne all things by the regular and iudiciall power of reaſon , as ſhee that knowes time call to conſultations, ſhuts out repentance. In a word, if there be any way to be troad in by our feete of clay, we are out of the reach of Fortune, out of the power of our paſſions, and in the full poſ- ſeſſion of our ſelues, wee may liue in a continuall calme:where from the height of a cleere & impreg- nable iudgement, wee may ſafely and inſenſibly be- hold the world, by this time ſo farre vnder vs , as all ſuch vaine deſires, as had wont to make vs ſuiters and followers to her, haue loſt ſight of their inamo- red obiects, it is by the way of Sadneſſe : who doth not alone inrich vs by that it brings, but preſerues vs ſo by keeping out all inordinate appetites, diſtem- pered affections, and thoſe humors of bloud and o- pinion,who where they are fauoured,do vſually de- ſtroy and expell, not onely all honeſt and vertuous actions , but euen the very thoughts that doe but ſeeme to be well affected. Thus haue I (good Reader) preſented to thy ac- quaintance the ſweeteſt, and beſt conditioned com- panion of the life of man, which if you will but be- leeue vpon tryall, I deſire no more : be not ſeduced by opinion, and thou maiſt bee as happie as this world can make thee : for though the outward pow- er makes men great, yet is the inward, that makes men vertuous, and vertue onely that produceth a || F2<r>
happineſſe , that can indure the teſt of all times and changes. Neither muſt I omit to anſwere them that would hide their baſe choice in the confuſion of words,and ſo will haue their mirth to be ioy ; but he is worſe then blind that knowes them not a ſunder, mirth be- ing rather an apiſh vnquietneſſe , then a ſolide con- tentment: beſides, it liues not of it ſelfe, it depends vpon fortune,vpon time, health, and many outward accidents; and liues but vpon borrowing , whereas ioy being as the ſhadow of vertue, or the effect of the inward and inſeparable cauſe of a good life,is ne- uer from home, neuer in a cloude , neuer ſubiect to alteration, alwayes one , and therefore not only al- waies happie , but therefore happineſſe it ſelfe : and yet to make the difference more apparant , behold their pictures drawne by two excellent Maſters , res ſeucra eſt verum gaudium,which if Sadneβe reſembles not more liuely then mirth , let your iudgement de- termine , and now for mirth , I am ſure this was made, it is ſo like her, riſu inepto, res ineptior nulla eſt; if you define mirth without laughing, you ſpeake of ſomewhat els, and leaue your errand behind you, but it hath been ſo often determined, that they are ſo farre from all one , as they are not ſo much as alike : as further to labour in ſo manifeſt a truth, will rather obſcure,then inlighten it. I will then include this queſtion in this definitiue ſentence, falſo de laetitia opinantur ſiquidem ab vtriſq, gaudio ſcilicet & natura, diuerſa eſt , it hath not onely loſt the challenge to ioy , but to nature ; hee then that drew man within the compaſſe of animal riſi- bile , was rather a confeſſor to good companions, || <F2v>
then a wiſe ſurueyor of the little world of man. And now to conclude, if thou haſt but Melan- choly enough to ſuſpend thy opinion, whatſoeuer thou art , thou haſt me in the power of thy cenſure : I doubt not but you ſhall bee beholding to your iudgement, to free mee from the hereſie of Para- doxes. If ſome other thinke, that I haue reſtrained the li- berty of man, in commending Sadneβe vnto him : let him know, I haue not determined it the end, but the way onely; an entry or paſſage , that of the o- ther ſide , hath a world much more ſpacious and pleaſant, then that of this ſide , comprehended by mirth : which is little, poore and tranſitory : if yet there be ſome that will bring this euidence for their libertie, Laetitia tuuenem, fraus decet triſtis ſenem , it is but like a licence to eate fleſh in Lent, for them that are weake and ſickly;or like a lawe that prohibi- ted all perſons to weare gay clothes, and Iewels, but players and curtiſans : which was then taken for a marke of ſcorne, not for a priuiledge of grace and aduantage : which if they ſhallpleaſe to take ſo too, they ſhall haue the leſſe to anſwere for , and I ſhall neither haue loſt my labour, nor their fauour: if not, I muſt yet challenge the allowance of the wiſeſt, which are the oldeſt, who if they ſhould yeeld to an extreme, would rather ratifie that Philoſopher that euer wept, then this that tooke no more pittie of himſelfe, and of the madnes of mankind, then to ſpend his life in laughter.
F I N I S.
The firſt proofe of her goodneſſe [Cornwallis’s own note]
What Mirth is [Cornwallis’s own note]
A true deſcrip- tion of Sad- neſſe [Cornwallis’s own note]
Women enemies to true Sad- neſſe [Cornwallis’s own note]
Socrates [Cornwallis’s own note]
Sadneſſe ador- meth [Cornwallis’s own note]
Mirth not al- wayes accepta- ble to the beſt [Cornwallis’s own note] |
[1] Typo for “fornices”.
[2] Typo for “praua”.
[3] Typo for “annorū”.
[4] Typo for “ſidera”.
[5] Typo for “vadit”.
[6] Typo for “eſt”.
[7] Typo for “Philopeomen”.
[8] Typo for “proſeſſion”.
[9] The document uploaded on EEBO, from which the transcription was made, is comsumed and unreadable.