Rosy Colombo
ROSY COLOMBO, formerly Professor of English at Sapienza University of Rome and Director of the Graduate School in Literatures in English from 2003 to 2009. She was Visiting Professor at Columbia University in 1980 and at the University of Reading in 1998.
She was a member of the national journal rating agency ANVUR until 2014 for the area of English Literature and Language. She has edited and introduced the Lombardo-Strehler correspondence (W. Shakespeare, G. Strehler, A. Lombardo, La Tempesta tradotta e messa in scena: un carteggio ritrovato e due traduzioni inedite, Donzelli, 2007), as well as Agostino Lombardo, Lettura del Macbeth (Feltrinelli, 2010).
She has been the general editor of Memoria di Shakespeare since 2008, and has dedicated herself to the authorship question (2012) as well as to philosophical issues in Shakespeare’s plays (Thinking with Shakespeare, eds Rosy Colombo and Nadia Fusini, 2014). She was one of the organisers of the 2016 international conference “Shakespeare. Memoria di Roma”. Besides Shakespeare, her research interests include eighteenth-century studies, women’s poetry and fiction, Romantic closet drama, Samuel Beckett. She is currently editing Shakespeare’s Narrative Modes, Fictions (2019) and Awry Crown. Queenship and its Discontents, Skenè. Journal of Theatre and Drama Studies (2020).
Her recent publications include: “Introduction” and “Hamlet: Authorship Enacted”, Memoria di Shakespeare, 8 On Authorship (2012), eds Rosy Colombo and Daniela Guardamagna; “Closet Drama on the Stage of Revolution. Language on Trial in The Borderers”, in The Romantic Stage, eds Lilla Maria Crisafulli and Fabio Liberto (Rodopi, 2014); “Introduction”, Memoria di Shakespeare. A Journal of Shakespearean Studies, 2, On Biography (2015), eds Rosy Colombo and Gary Taylor; with Davide Crosara, “Fantasie e parodie del cibo nell’opera di Samuel Beckett”, Fictions, 14 (2015); with Alessandro Roccato, “Back from the Dead”, Memoria di Shakespeare. A Journal of Shakespearean Studies, 3, The Shape of a Language (2016), ed. Iolanda Plescia; “Un play e due titoli. Una prospettiva shakespeariana”, in Twelfth Night: dal testo alla scena, eds Mariangela Tempera and Keir Elam (Emil, 2017); “La scommessa di Otello” and “Aspettando il peggio: lettura (quasi) beckettiana del Re Lear”, Studi di Estetica, 9 (2017), eds Giuseppe Di Giacomo and Laura Talarico;
“Editorial” and “Cleopatra’s ‘Roman’ Death”, Memoria di Shakespeare. A Journal of Shakespearean Studies, 4, Mapping Antony and Cleopatra. Permanence and Mobility (2017), ed. Rosy Colombo;
“Agostino Lombardo: mediazioni transatlantiche”, in Epistolari. Dagli archivi dei mediatori, Quaderni della Biblioteca nazionale centrale di Roma, 22 (2018); “Hamlet: Origin Displaced”, in Transitions – For Alessandro Serpieri, ed. Silvia Bigliazzi, “Skenè. Journal of Theatre and Drama Studies”, 4, 1 (2018); “My Johnson Fantasy. Samuel Johnson nello specchio di Samuel Beckett”, in “Mélanges en l’honneur de Mariella Di Maio”, ed. Valentina Fortunato, Rubbettino Editore, 2019.