To the Reader.






































IF thoſe precepts that aduiſe the pre-

uenting of the infirmities of the

mind, haue bin euer more ſafe and

ſweet, thē theirs that like laws hold

their peace vntil they haue them in

their power , and then plucke them

vp by the roots:iſ he that preſcribes

temperance be the beſt Phyſicion : hee the beſt Pilot that

foreſees a ſtorme : he the best Stateſ-man , that vnder-

ſtands the dangers of his Countrey in their bud and

greenneβe : and in a word they the happiest Counſellors,

that ſeeke to keep vs out of the contingency of perill : it is

not impoſsible (Reader) but I may be of ſome vſe to thee:

But I prayſCheck-out: Sadneſſe, ſo doth the Phyſicion his me-

dicine, which howſoeuer thy taſte abhorres , thy reaſon

deſires, and being once downe, thou art content to forget

the lothſomneſſe , and regard the operation. I will com-

mend my preſcription to thee no further , then that it

cannot hurt ; what good it may doe , let thy experience

reſolue thee ; which the warranty of the ſafety may in-

uite thee to : If it wants thoſe graces and embelliſh-

ments that he hath need of, that aduentures on an in-

nouation; let a plaine true tale be accepted better then a                  ||



filed falſhood; eſpecially ſince through the cloud of mine

Ignorance truth ſhewes thee light enough, to direct thy

way, though not to delight thee in thy iourney : I ſeeke

not honour from thee,nor am I the ſubiect of thine opini-

on ; thy cenſure ſhall onely concerne thy ſelfe : for mee,

though I ſhould hold my cloake the faſter for the winde;

yet ſhall I neuer yeeld it to the Sunne; he that feeles not

their preſent power, needes not feare the future , and I

am armed againſt both, either with a knowledge or a dul-

neſſe of proofe : And ſo I leaue thee to thine owne iudge-

ment if thou haſt one; or if thou haſt not , to liue like the

Moale by hearing: Farewell.
